

*as of ‘16 NOVEMBER 2023’*

























*56 sovereign states*




[the greek historian herodotus’ stated that the ‘world’ had been divided into 3 continents…]



(aka ‘africa’)


(with the ([‘nile’ / ‘phasis’] rivers) forming the ‘boundaries’)

(equivalent to the 3 ‘modern-day races’)
(white / black / yellow)


(although these ‘racial color codes’ needed be changed immediately)
(if only for accuracy’s sake)


(he also mentions that some people believe the ‘river don’ (rather than ‘the river phasis’) forms the boundary between ‘europe’ + ‘asia’)


(“europe” is a ‘continent’ that comprises the westernmost part of “eurasia”)


(‘europe’ is bordered by the ‘arctic ocean’ to the ‘north’, the ‘atlantic ocean’ to the ‘west’, and the ‘mediterranean sea’ to the ‘south’)

(to the ‘east’ and ‘southeast’, ‘europe’ is generally considered as separated from ‘asia’ by the ‘watershed divides’ of the ‘ural’ and ‘caucasus’ mountains, the ‘ural river’, the ‘caspian’ and ‘black’ seas, and the waterways of the “turkish straits”)

(yet the ‘non-oceanic borders’ of ‘europe’—a concept dating back to ‘classical antiquity’—are ‘arbitrary’)

(the primarily physiographic term “continent” as applied to ‘europe’ also incorporates ‘cultural’ and ‘political’ elements whose discontinuities are not always reflected by the continent’s current ‘overland boundaries’)

(‘europe’ covers about 10,180,000 square kilometers (or 3,930,000 square miles), or 2% of the earth’s surface (6.8% of land area))

(politically, ‘europe’ is divided into about 50 ‘sovereign states’ of which the ‘russian federation’ is the ‘largest’ and ‘most populous’, spanning 39% of the ‘continent’ and comprising 15% of its ‘population’)

(‘europe’ had a total population of about ‘740 million’ (about 11% of ‘world population’) as of ‘2012’)

(the ‘european climate’ is largely affected by warm ‘atlantic currents’ that temper ‘winters’ and ‘summers’ on much of the ‘continent’, even at ‘latitudes’ along which the climate in ‘asia’ and ‘north america’ is severe)

(further from the ‘atlantic’, seasonal differences are mildly greater than close to the ‘coast’)

(‘europe’, in particular ‘ancient greece’, is the birthplace of ‘western civilization’)

(the fall of the ‘western roman empire’, during the ‘migration period’, marked the end of ‘ancient history’ and the beginning of an era known as the “middle ages”)

(the renaissance ‘humanism’, ‘exploration’, ‘art’, and ‘science’ led the “old continent”, and eventually the rest of the ‘world’, to the ‘modern era’)

(from this period onwards, ‘europe’ played a predominant role in ‘global affairs’)

(between the ’16th’ and ’20th’ centuries, ‘european nations’ controlled at various times the ‘americas’, most of ‘africa’, ‘oceania’, and the majority of ‘asia’)

(the ‘industrial revolution’, which began in the ‘united kingdom’ at the end of the ’18th century’, gave rise to radical ‘economic’, ‘cultural’, and ‘social’ change in ‘western europe’, and eventually the ‘wider world’)

(both ‘world wars’ were largely focused upon ‘europe’, contributing to a decline in ‘western european’ dominance in ‘world affairs’ by the ‘mid-20th century’ as the ‘united states’ and the ‘soviet union’ took prominence)

(during the ‘cold war’, ‘europe’ was divided along the ‘iron curtain’ between ‘NATO’ in the ‘west’ and the ‘warsaw pact’ in the ‘east’, until the revolutions of ‘1989’ and the fall of the ‘berlin wall’)

(‘european integration’ led to the formation of the ‘european union’, a ‘political entity’ that lies between a ‘confederation’ and a ‘federation’)

(the ‘EU’ originated in ‘western europe’ but has been expanding eastward since the fall of the ‘soviet union’ in ‘1991’)


(the ‘currency’ of most countries of the ‘european union’, the ‘euro’, is the most commonly used among ‘europeans’; and the EU’s “schengen area” abolishes ‘border/immigration’ controls among most of its ‘member states’)



(now you’ve got the right idea!)

(“1 world order” is the only way forward)








👈👈👈☜*“EURASIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. continents | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. tobacco | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “data privacy day” | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “world war 2” | *JoGa Jungle*
  5. “continental europe” | *JoGa Jungle*
  6. “european islands” | *JoGa Jungle*
  7. “european history” | *JoGa Jungle*

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