


*’eviction’ is the ‘removal’ of a ‘tenant’ from ‘rental property’ by the ‘landlord’*


(in some jurisdictions it may also involve the removal of persons from premises that were foreclosed by a mortgagee)

(often, the prior owners who defaulted on a mortgage).

Depending on the laws of the jurisdiction, eviction may also be known as unlawful detainersummary possessionsummary dispossesssummary processforcible detainerejectment, and repossession, among other terms.

(nevertheless, the term eviction is the most commonly used in communications between the ‘landlord’ + ‘tenant’)

(depending on the jurisdiction involved, before a tenant can be evicted, a landlord must win an eviction lawsuit or prevail in another step in the ‘legal process’)

(it should be borne in mind that eviction (as with ejectment + certain other related terms) has precise meanings only in certain historical contexts (eg under the ‘english common law’ of past centuries), or with respect to specific ‘jurisdictions’)

(in present-day ‘practice’ + ‘procedure’, there has come to be a wide variation in the content of these terms from ‘jurisdiction’ to ‘jurisdiction’)


(the [‘legal aspects’ / ‘procedures’ / ‘provisions’] for ‘eviction’ – by whatever name – vary even between ‘countries’ or ‘states’ with similar ‘legal structures’)






👈👈👈☜*“DRIFTERS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥