
*as of ‘16 OCTOBER 2023’*














-‘fiction’ is the classification for any ‘story’ or ‘setting’ that is derived from ‘imagination’ — in other words, not based strictly on ‘history’ or ‘fact’-


(‘fiction’ can be expressed in a variety of formats, including ‘writings’, ‘live performances’, ‘films’, ‘television programs’, ‘animations’, ‘video games’, and ‘role-playing games’, though the term originally and most commonly refers to the narrative forms of ‘literature’ (see ‘literary fiction’), including ‘novels’, ‘novellas’, ‘short stories’, and ‘plays’)

(‘fiction’ is occasionally used in its narrowest sense to mean simply any “literary narrative”)

(a ‘work of fiction’ is an act of ‘creative imagination’, so its total faithfulness to the ‘real-world’ is not typically assumed by its audience)

(therefore, ‘fiction’ is not expected to present only ‘characters’ who are ‘actual people’ or ‘descriptions’ that are ‘factually accurate’)

(instead, the context of ‘fiction’, not adhering precisely to the ‘real world’, is generally ‘open to interpretation’)

(‘characters’ and ‘events’ within a ‘fictional work’ may even be openly set in their own context entirely separate from the ‘known universe’: a fictional universe that stands on its own)


(‘fiction’ is regarded as the traditional opposite of ‘non-fiction’, whose creators assume responsibility for presenting only the ‘historical’ + ‘factual’ truth)


however, fiction’s place in ‘reality’ is arguable, which has made the distinction between ‘fiction’ and ‘non-fiction’ unclear)

(for example, in ‘postmodern literature’)










👈👈👈☜*“THE WRITTEN WORD”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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