father’s day 2013

(this weekend has been a total wash)

i spend most of the day in bed watching youtube videos…the vodka + dip don’t seem to drive me as much anymore…i’m just ultra-horny…i jacked off twice yesterday and spent the rest of the day rubbing my nipples and looking at pictures of girls (as well as discovering outrageous new may-december porn videos)…

i finally smoked my joint round 6pm…at least they sell rolling papers @ rite-aid…the grass got me motivated to edit the “buffalo chicken” video…i still need to add acoustic guitar + bass…then i went back to bed around 8pm…again jonathan and christopher came knocking…i’m gaining a reputation amongst them for uncleanliness (christopher rudely suggested i “take a shower” before we went out)…they were smoking their cigarettes and drinking their beer…i was about to order delivery from “cheeburger cheeburger” when jonathan offered to cook chicken, white rice, and corn…his apartment is the nicest one of the bunch…christopher found him a craigslist ad for a $20 television and drove him to pick it up…he also drove him to the doctor’s office to monitor his high blood pressure (he’s only 44 years old with 4 kids and a filipino ex-wife)…they’d been hitting golf balls around the house all day…christopher hit one into the yard across the fence…he went to retrieve the golf ball and the lady of the house told him he was “scaring her”…jonathan claims to be a great golfer…i need him to loan me more valium just to see if it’ll work on me…

finally i pretended to shower (to appease christopher) and we departed for the town ’round 10pm…jonathan was initially reluctant (since he’s banned from the ivy inn) but i insisted we go to the alchemist and barrister instead…christopher stubbornly wanted to go to the ivy inn…i didn’t feel like hearing the band (and i was skeptical about how the staff would treat me)…so i headed solo to the alchemist while christopher and jonathan went to the ivy inn…of course jonathan wasn’t allowed in…20 minutes later, they joined me at the alchemist…i was playing “hotel california” for the same group of brown boys that i’d met a month earlier when i went to the alchemist with christopher…i picked up a $1 tip from a chick when i played “something”…christopher and jonathan went to the bar to drink…i met up with “amir m” (the indian dude i’d initially met @ the white tent architectural society party a few weeks before)…he seems a lone wolf like me…(609)917-5429…bummed more cigarettes outside…ordered a gin and tonic at the bar…tried chatting up 2 blonde chicks at the table to our left but they seemed uninterested…briefly waved to the brunette winberrie server i’d met the night before…there was a wedding party filling up most of the bar…went outside and played “hey jude” for jonathan…he was thoroughly impressed and suggested he be my “carnival barker” and we could make money…christopher was being negative as usual and told me not to play “hey jude”…we finally went to winberrie’s…it was mostly mexican immigrants…i half-heartedly attempted to chat up a plain jane but we soon departed…christopher and jonathan took the backroads but i plunged on down nassau street with amir…i was still hesitant to enter the ivy inn (even though the band stopped playing at that point)…i saw my grey-haired nemesis @ the bar and a few cop cars parked outside…i saw katie elizabeth and she looked sexier than ever…finally i decided to walk home…i gorged myself on sourdough pretzels / blueberry yogurt / peanut butter / cookies before finally passing out…

spent most of sunday in bed…mun hoe’s girlfriend is back (as well as eric paul)…jonathan knocked on my window…i hit a sand wedge perfectly (knocked the back side of the fence)…we smoked a cigarette…then we headed to the liquor store and i bought another handle of popov vodka…now i seem somewhat back on track…although i’ll run out on dip before long…and all the gorging on food last night has left me with nasty gas (and repeated healthy shits)…recorded the parts for “buffalo chicken”…

(what now?)

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