*food of the future*


“me want!”
(sensory pleasures)

(develop technology aimed at improving human comfort)

(indulging the taste buds without facing subsequent digestive complications)

(develop technology aimed at weaning humans off harmful intoxicants)
(such as booze)

(while minimizing withdrawal symptoms)

(develop “healthy intoxicants”)
(an ‘oxymoron’?)

(‘innovation’ in the ‘food’ + ‘agriculture’ sectors may include (for example)…)

*innovations in ‘raw material processing technology’*

*new ways to ‘package’ products*

*new ‘food additives’*


(applying new ‘solutions’ may ‘reduce’ (or even ‘prevent’) adverse changes caused by…)


*’oxidation’ of ‘food ingredients’*

*both ‘enzymatic’ + ‘non-enzymatic’ reactions*


(moreover, ‘healthier’ + ‘more nutritious’ food may be delivered as well as the ‘food’ may ‘taste better’ due to ‘improvements’ in ‘food composition’, including ‘organoleptic changes’ and changes in the ‘perception’ + ‘pleasures’ from eating food)

(also, crops may be improved in terms of reduced exposure to ‘diseases’ + resistance to changing weather conditions)

(new ‘food technologies’ can also offer solutions to ‘malnutrition’)

(according to the ‘world health organization’, approximately 30% of the ‘global population’ is ‘malnourished’)

(it is suggested that by ‘2020’ the whole ‘european union’ will consume less food than ‘china’ + ‘india’ together)






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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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