-korean history-

*as of ‘9 NOVEMBER 2023’*



(1016 – 1034)


(the ‘lower paleolithic’ era in the ‘korean peninsula’ began roughly half a million years ago)

(the earliest known ‘korean’ pottery dates to around ‘8000 BC’, and the ‘neolithic’ period began after ‘6000 BC’, followed by the ‘bronze age’ by ‘800 BC’, and the ‘iron age’ around ‘400 BC’)

(according to the mythic account recounted in the ‘Samguk Yusa’, ‘Gojoseon’ (‘Old Joseon’) kingdom was founded in northern ‘Korea’ and ‘manchuria’ in ‘2333 BC’)

(the ‘Gija Joseon’ was purportedly founded in ’12th century BC’, and its existence and role have been controversial in the ‘modern era’)

(the written historical record on ‘gojoseon’ can be found from early ‘7th century BC’)

(the ‘jin’ state was formed in southern ‘korea’ by the ‘3rd century BC’)

(in the ‘2nd century BC’, ‘Gija Joseon’ was replaced by ‘Wiman Joseon’ which fell to the ‘han china’ near the end of the century)

(this resulted in the fall of ‘gojoseon’ and led to succeeding warring states, the ‘proto–3 kingdoms’ period that spanned the later ‘iron age’)

(from the 1st century, ‘Goguryeo’, ‘Baekje’, and ‘Silla’ grew to control the peninsula and ‘manchuria’ as the ‘Three Kingdoms of Korea’ (57 BC – 668 AD) until unification by ‘silla’ in ‘676’)

(in ‘698’, ‘Dae Jo-yeong’ established ‘Balhae’ in old territories of ‘Goguryeo’, which led to the ‘North South States Period’ (‘698’ – ‘926’))

(in the late 9th century, ‘silla’ was divided into the ‘later 3 kingdoms’ (892–936), which ended with the unification by Wang Geon’s ‘goryeo’ dynasty)

(meanwhile, ‘balhae’ fell after invasions by the ‘Khitan Liao’ dynasty and the refugees including the last ‘crown prince’ emigrated to ‘Goryeo’, where the crown prince was warmly welcomed and included into the ruling family by ‘Wang Geon’, thus unifying the 2 successor states of ‘goguryeo’)

(during the ‘goryeo’ period, ‘laws’ were codified, a ‘civil service system’ was introduced, and culture influenced by ‘buddhism’ flourished)

(however, mongol invasions in the 13th century brought ‘goryeo’ under its influence until the mid-14th century)

(in 1392, ‘General Yi Seong-gye’ established the ‘joseon’ dynasty (1392–1910) after a coup that overthrew the ‘goryeo’ dynasty in ‘1388’)

(‘King Sejong the Great’ (1418–1450) implemented numerous administrative, social, scientific, and economical reforms, established royal authority in the early years of the dynasty, and promulgated ‘hangul’, the ‘korean alphabet’)

(after enjoying a period of peace for nearly 2 centuries, the ‘joseon dynasty’ faced foreign invasions and internal fractional strifes, beginning in ‘1592’ until ‘1637’)

(henceforth, ‘joseon’ gradually became more and more ‘isolationist’ and ‘stagnant’)

(by the mid 19th century, with the country unwilling to modernize, and encroachment of ‘european powers, ‘joseon korea’ was forced to sign unequal treaties with foreign powers)

(after the assassination of ’empress myeongseong; in 1895, ‘Donghak Rebellions’ of 1894-1895, and ‘Gabo Reforms’ of 1894 to 1896, the ‘Korean Empire’ (1897–1910) came into existence and a brief but rapid period of ‘social reform’ and ‘modernization’ occurred)

(however, in ‘1905’, the ‘Korean Empire’ was forced to sign a protectorate treaty and in 1910 Japan annexed the ‘Korean Empire’, though all treaties involved were later deemed to be ‘invalid’)

(korean resistance was manifested in the widespread nonviolent ‘March 1st Movement’ of ‘1919’)

(thereafter the resistance movements, coordinated by the ‘Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea’ in exile, were largely active in neighboring ‘manchuria’, ‘china’, and ‘siberia’)

(figures from these exile organizations would become important in post-WWII ‘korea’)

(after the end of ‘WWII’ in ‘1945’, the country was divided into a northern area, protected by the ‘soviets’, and a southern area protected primarily by the ‘united states’)

(in 1948, when the powers failed to agree on the formation of a ‘single government’, this partition became the modern states of ‘north’ and ‘south’ korea)

(the peninsula was divided at the ’38th Parallel’: the “Republic of Korea” was created in the south with the backing of the ‘US’ and ‘western europe’ and the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” in the north with the backing of the soviets and the communist ‘people’s republic of china’)

(the new premier of ‘north korea’, ‘kim il-sung’ launched the ‘korean war’ in ‘1950’ in an attempt to reunify the country under communist rule)

(after immense material and human destruction, the conflict ended with a ‘cease-fire’ in ‘1953’, but the 2 nations officially remain at war because a ‘peace treaty’ was never signed)

(both states were accepted into the ‘united nations’ in ‘1991’)

(while both countries were essentially under ‘military rule’ after the war, ‘south korea’ eventually liberalized, and since ‘1987’ the country has had a competitive ‘electoral system’)

(the ‘south korean’ economy has prospered, and the country is now considered to be ‘fully developed’ with a similar ‘per capita’ economic standing to ‘western europe’, ‘japan’, and the ‘united states’)

(‘north korea’ has maintained militarized communist dictatorship rule, with a ‘cult of personality’ constructed around the ‘kim’ family)

(economically, ‘north korea’ has remained heavily dependent on ‘foreign aid’, and following the collapse of the ‘soviet union’, that aid fell precipitously, and the economic situation has been quite marginal since)








👈👈👈☜*-KOREA-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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