


“michael wilkeson thompson”



“under the light of 500 suns”


86th and york
(take crosstown bus to york street stop)

(fan of joga fb page)

6 NOVEMBER 2015:

(we had a falling out in september)
(because he started saying that i needed to “get clean”)

(i refriended him today)

9 JULY 2015:

meet him @ WSP coffeshop
(take 6:28pm bus to NY penn station)

30 june 2015:

received call from homefries…he needs painkillers for his sciatica…his sister anne thompson (who pays his rent) is a film journalist…i fb friended her (no response)…couldn’t find him (under “michael thompson”) on fb…he said he’ll be around tomorrow…he recommended we play the highline…

(met him @ WSP on 24 june 2015)

(friend of archibald)

(long white hair)

“i gave up men in the 80s…”


(he requested via email the next day that i couldn’t get high around him when we play)
(does that include booze?)
(i smoked a bowl + drank a four loko + smoked cigarettes all day with him)

also plays recorder

“jalopy theatre”
(red hook)

“if they like you, they let you pass the hat…”

“the club is full of honeys looking for boy toys…”

he has a book for sale on amazon.com:

“under the light of 500 suns”

also coined the phrase: “the american guillotine”

he’s homeless now?

(working the welfare system in new york city)

playing in the central park tunnels

(he needs to get a gmail account and share the files on google drive with me)

(sharing his friend’s kickstarter project with me)

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  1. 315 | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. harmonica | *JoGa Jungle*

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