













(from ‘latin’ / ‘greek’) —>

(‘italia’ –> ‘land of young cattle’)


italian —>



*official name* —>

*the italian republic*

(‘italian’ —> (‘repubblica italiana’)




*”italy” is a ‘unitary parliamentary republic’ in ‘europe’*


(located in the heart of the ‘mediterranean sea’, ‘italy’ shares open land borders with ‘france’, ‘switzerland’, ‘austria’, ‘slovenia’, ‘san marino’, and ‘vatican city’)

(‘italy’ covers an area of 301,338 km2 (or ‘116,347 square miles;) and has a largely ‘temperate seasonal climate’ or ‘”‘mediterranean’ climate”; due to its shape, it is often referred to in ‘italy’ as lo stivale (aka “the ‘boot'”))

(with ’61 million inhabitants’, it is the 3rd most populous “EU” member state)

(since ‘classical times’, ancient ‘phoenicians’ / ‘greeks’ / ‘etruscans’ / ‘celts’ have inhabited the ‘south’, ‘center’, and ‘north’ of the ‘italian peninsula’ respectively, with various ‘italic peoples’ dispersed throughout ‘italy’ alongside other ancient italian ‘tribes’ and ‘greek’ / ‘carthaginian’ / ‘phoenician’ colonies)

(the ‘italic’ tribe known as the ‘latins’ formed the ‘roman kingdom’, which eventually spread throughout ‘italy’, ‘assimilating’ and ‘conquering’ other nearby ‘civilizations’ and forming the ‘roman republic’)

(‘rome’ ultimately emerged as the ‘dominant power’, conquering much of the ‘ancient world’ and becoming the leading ‘cultural’, ‘political’, and ‘religious’ center of ‘western civilization’)

(the legacy of the ‘roman empire’ is widespread and can be observed in the global distribution of ‘civilian law’, ‘republican governments’, ‘christianity’, and the ‘latin script’)

(during the ‘middle ages’, ‘italy’ suffered ‘sociopolitical collapse’ amid calamitous ‘barbarian invasions’, but by the ’11th century’, numerous rival ‘city-states’ and ‘maritime republics’ rose to great prosperity through ‘shipping’, ‘commerce’, and ‘banking’, and even laid the groundwork for ‘capitalism’)

(these independent ‘city-states’ and ‘regional republics’, acting as europe’s main ‘port of entry’ for ‘asian’ and ‘near eastern’ imported goods, often enjoyed a greater degree of ‘democracy’ in comparison to the ‘monarchies’ and ‘feudal states’ found throughout ‘europe’ at the time, though much of ‘central italy’ remained under the control of the theocratic ‘papal states’, while ‘southern italy’ remained largely ‘feudal’, partially as a result of a succession of ‘byzantine’, ‘arab’, ‘norman’, ‘spanish’, and ‘bourbon’ conquests of the region)

(the ‘renaissance’ began in ‘italy’ and spread to the rest of ‘europe’, bringing a renewed interest in ‘humanism’, ‘science’, ‘exploration’, and ‘art’ with the start of the ‘modern era’)

(‘italian culture’ flourished at this time, producing famous ‘scholars’, ‘artists’, and ‘polymaths’ such as ‘leonardo da vinci’, ‘galileo’, ‘michelangelo’, and ‘machiavelli’)

(explorers from ‘italy’ such as ‘marco polo’, ‘christopher columbus’, ‘amerigo vespucci’, and ‘giovanni da verrazzano’ discovered new routes to the ‘far east’ and the ‘new world’, helping to usher in the ‘european age of discovery’)

(nevertheless, italy’s importance as a hub of ‘commercial’ and ‘political’ power significantly waned with the opening of ‘trade routes’ from the ‘new world’, as ‘new world’ imports and ‘trade routes’ became more influential in ‘europe’ and bypassed the ‘east asian’ and ‘mediterranean’ trade routes that the italian ‘city-states’ had dominated)

(furthermore, the italian ‘city-states’ constantly engaged one another in ‘bloody warfare’, with this tension and violent rivalry culminating in the ‘italian wars’ of the 15th and 16th centuries, a series of ‘wars’ and ‘foreign invasions’ that left the italian states vulnerable to annexation by ‘neighborring european powers’)

(‘italy’ would remain ‘politically fragmented’ and fall prey to ‘conquest’, ‘occupation’, and general ‘foreign domination’ by european powers such as ‘france’, ‘spain’, and ‘austria’, subsequently entering a long period of decline)

(by the ‘mid-19th century’, a rising movement in support of ‘italian nationalism’ and ‘italian independence’ from ‘foreign control’ led to a period of ‘revolutionary political upheaval’ known as the risorgimento, which sought to bring about a rebirth of italian ‘cultural’ and ‘economic’ prominence by ‘liberating’ and ‘consolidating’ the ‘italian peninsula’ and ‘insular italy’ into an independent + unified ‘nation-state’)

(after various unsuccessful attempts, the “italian wars of independence”, the “expedition of the thousand”, and the “capture of rome” resulted in the eventual ‘unification’ of the country, now a great power after centuries of ‘foreign domination’ and ‘political division’)

(from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, the new ‘kingdom of italy’ rapidly industrialized, especially in the so-called industrial triangle of ‘milan’, ‘turin’, and ‘genoa’ in the ‘north’, and soon acquired a small ‘colonial empire’)

(however, the ‘southern areas’ of the country remained largely impoverished and excluded from’ industrialization’, fueling a large and influential ‘diaspora’)

(despite being one of the main victors in ‘world war I’, ‘italy’ entered a period of ‘economic crisis’ and ‘social turmoil’, leading the way to the rise of a ‘fascist dictatorship’ in ‘1922’)

(the subsequent participation in ‘world war II’ on the ‘axis’ side ended in ‘military defeat’, ‘economic destruction’, and a ‘civil war’ following the rise of the “italian resistance movement”)

(in the years that followed, ‘Italy’ abolished the ‘italian monarchy’, reinstated ‘democracy’, enjoyed a prolonged ‘economic boom’, and, despite periods of ‘sociopolitical turmoil’ (e.g. anni di piombo, mani pulite, ‘second mafia war’, and ‘maxi trial’), became one of the world’s ‘most developed nations’)

(‘italy’ has the 3rd largest economy in the ‘eurozone’ and 8th largest economy in the world)

(it has a very high level of ‘human development’ and enjoys the ‘highest life expectancy’ in the ‘EU’)

(‘italy’ plays a prominent role in ‘regional’ and ‘global’ economic, military, cultural and diplomatic affairs, and the country is both a ‘regional power’ and a ‘great power’)

(‘italy’ is a founding and leading member of the “european union” and the member of numerous international institutions, including the ‘UN’, ‘NATO’, the ‘OECD’, the ‘OSCE’, the ‘WTO’, the ‘G7’ / ‘G8’, ‘G20’, the ‘union for the mediterranean’, the ‘council of europe’, “uniting for consensus”, and many more)


(as a reflection of its vast ‘cultural wealth’, ‘italy’ is home to 51 ‘world heritage sites’ (the most in the world), and is 1 of the ‘most-visited countries’ of all time!)


(ancient roman town destroyed by volcanic pyroclastic flows in 79AD)


(Greek: Φιντίας; Latin: Phintias or Plintis; formerly also Alicata) is a city and comune located on the south coast of Sicily, at the mouth of the Salso River (the ancient Himera), about midway between Agrigento and Gela. It is a major seaport developed at the turn of the twentieth century, shipping sulphur, the refining of which has made Licata the largest European exporting centre, and asphalt, and at times shipping cheese


town and comune of the province of Naples, Campania in southern Italy. It is part of the Agro Nolano plain.


(comune in italian province of sondrio)
(in the region of lombardy)


the english name Milan derives from the Italian form Milano which stems from the Latin Mediolanum, the ancient city founded by the Celtic tribe of the Insubres, that was in possession of the city until the Roman conquest in the 2nd century BC.[citation needed]. The Mediolanum name is borne by a number of Gallo-Roman sites in France, such as Mediolanum Santonum (Saintes) and Mediolanum Aulercorum (Évreux) and appears to contain the Celtic element -lan, signifying an enclosure or demarcated territory (source of the Welsh word ‘llan’, meaning a sanctuary or church). Hence, Mediolanum could signify the central town or sanctuary of a particular Celtic tribe.[4][6]

The origin of the name and of a boar as a symbol of the city are fancifully accounted for in Andrea Alciato’s Emblemata (1584), beneath a woodcut of the first raising of the city walls, where a boar is seen lifted from the excavation, and the etymology of Mediolanum given as “half-wool”,[24] explained in Latin and in French. The foundation of Milan is credited to two Celtic peoples, the Bituriges and the Aedui, having as their emblems a ram and a boar;[25] therefore “The city’s symbol is a wool-bearing boar, an animal of double form, here with sharp bristles, there with sleek wool.”[26] Alciato credits Ambrose for his account.

the German name for the city is Mailand, while in the local Western Lombard dialect, the city’s name is Millá


city and comune (municipality) on south side of the po valley in province of modena
(in emilia-romagna region of italy)


city in southern italy
(capital of region of campania and province of naples)


historic city in southern italy
(capital of the autonomous region of sicily and province of palermo)


“roman forum”
(small rectangular forum (plaza) surrounded by the ruins of ancient government buildings at the center of the city of rome)


city in northwestern italy

‘somma vesuviana’

(‘town’ (/ ‘comune’) in province of ‘napoli’ / ‘campania’ / ‘italy’)


“etruscan civilization”

(an ancient civilization corresponding to modern-day ‘tuscany’)
(800 BC)


“the osci”
(aka “opici”)

(italic people of ‘campania’ and ‘latium adiectum’ during ‘roman times’)


*1947* —>

(the constitution of the ‘italian republic’ was enacted by the ‘constituent assembly’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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