Oak Ridge - Kraken (Cray XT5).JPG


(no longer active on the ‘oak ridge national laboratory’ website)
(as of ’21 april 2021′)


-‘jaguar’ is (was?) a ‘peta-scale super-computer’ built by ‘cray’ at ‘Oak Ridge National Laboratory’ in ‘Oak Ridge’ / ‘tennessee’-


(as of november 2009, it was the world’s fastest computer with a peak performance of more than 1750 teraflops (1.75 petaflops))

(a Cray XT5 system, Jaguar has 224,256 Opteron processor cores, and operated with a version of Linux called Cray Linux Environment)

(the massively parallel Jaguar had a peak performance of just over 1,750 teraFLOPS (1.75 petaFLOPS)

It had 224,256 x86-based AMD Opteron processor cores,[2] and operated with a version of Linux called the Cray Linux Environment.[3]

Jaguar was a Cray XT5 system, a development from the Cray XT4supercomputer.

In both November 2009 and June 2010, TOP500, the semiannual list of the world’s top 500 supercomputers, named Jaguar as the world’s fastest computer.

In late October 2010, the BBC reported that the Chinese supercomputer Tianhe-1A had taken over the top spot, achieving over 2.5 quadrillion calculations per second, thereby bumping Jaguar to second place.

The November 2010 TOP500 list confirmed the new rankings


(in 2012 the Cray XT5 Jaguar was upgraded to the Cray XK7 Titan hybrid supercomputing system by adding the Gemini network interconnect and fitting 960 of the nodes with fermi-based ‘nvidia’)








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