*the ghost of 'justin shapp'*

“the ghost of justin shapp”

(justin shapp introduced us to ‘jurassic park’ in third grade bayberry recess)

the female teachers in the public school system repeatedly gathered the “alpha boys” and begged us to be “nice” to the “picking boy”

i remember a fourth grade meeting when our “gym teacher” missus orso went to mister kinch’s class and begged us to “be nice to alan mascola”

in fifth grade justin shapp became our favorite “picking boy” in missus juette’s class

because it was 30 girls / 10 boys

so missus juette always disciplined the “boys”

for the slightest infraction

i would be given “detention” for standing at my desk when i was supposed to be sitting
(as we waited for the final bell to dismiss us from school)
(“detention” was merely an hour sitting in a dark room after school)

so missus juette used to have “meetings” with the “boys”
(justin shapp’s immortal line: “good thing i’m not a boy!”)
(because paul malchow had repeatedly instilled that “gender doubt” in him)

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