
*latin* –> ‘quadragesima
(as in ’40 days’)


(“lent” is a ‘solemn religious observance’ in the ‘liturgical calendar’ that begins on ‘ash wednesday’ and ends approximately 6 weeks later, before ‘easter sunday’)


(the word ‘lent’ is derived from the old english word ‘len(c)ten”, meaning ‘spring season’)

(so ‘lent’ coincides with ‘winter’ –> ‘spring seasonal transition)

(as the ‘march equinox’ is ~ ‘march 20’)

(‘easter sunday’ is always celebrated in the ‘spring’)

(the name ‘easter’ 9s related to the name of some ‘old norse goddess’)

(it ends on the evening of ‘maundy thursday’)
(when jesus washed the feet of his disciples)

(which is the ‘beginning’ of the ‘day’ for jews)
(with “the last supper”)
(so jews ‘began’ the day with sleep?)
(after an ‘early dinner’)
(it was the passover seder)

(the purpose of ‘lent’ is the preparation of the ‘believer’ through ‘prayer’, ‘penance’, ”repentance’ of ‘sins”, ‘alms-giving’, ‘atonement’, and ‘self-denial’)

(this ‘event’ is observed by ‘christians’ in the ‘anglican’, ‘eastern orthodox’, ‘lutheran’, ‘methodist’, and ‘roman catholic’ churches)

(some ‘anabaptist’ and ‘evangelical’ churches also observe the ‘lenten season’)

(its ‘institutional purpose’ is heightened in the annual commemoration of ‘holy week’, marking the ‘death’, ‘burial’, and ‘resurrection’ of ‘jesus’, which recalls the ‘tradition’ and ‘events’ of the ‘new testament’ beginning on ‘friday of sorrows’, further climaxing on jesus’ crucifixion on ‘good friday’, which ultimately culminates in the joyful celebration on ‘easter sunday’ of the ‘resurrection’ of ‘jesus christ’)

(in ‘lent’, many ‘christians’ commit to ‘fasting’ or giving up certain types of luxuries as a form of ‘penitence’)

(many christians also add a ‘lenten spiritual discipline’ (such as ‘reading a daily devotional’) to draw themselves near to ‘god’)

(the ‘stations of the cross’ (a devotional commemoration of christ’s carrying the ‘cross’ and of his ‘execution’) are often observed)

(many ‘roman catholic’ and some ‘protestant’ churches remove ‘flowers’ from their ‘altars’, while ‘crucifixes’, ‘religious statues’, and other ‘elaborate religious symbols’ are often veiled in ‘violet fabrics’ in ‘solemn observance of the event’)

(throughout ‘christendom’, some adherents mark the season with the ‘traditional abstention’ from the ‘consumption’ of ‘meat’, most notably among ‘roman catholics’)


(‘lent’ is traditionally described as lasting for ’40 days’, in commemoration of the 40 days ‘jesus’ spent ‘fasting’ in the ‘desert’, according to the gospels of ‘matthew’, ‘mark’, and ‘luke’, before beginning his ‘public ministry’, after which he endured temptation by the ‘devil’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE EASTER SEASON”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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