*may 2016*

*1 MAY 2016*




(first night @ contessa barton’s family estate)
(boonton NJ)

(first kiss with tess)


*11 MAY 2016*

(tuesday night)

(tess vows to stop smoking crack)
(i vow to stop boozing)

(she sneaks out tuesday night to “meet a high school friend”)
(as “laci green”)

(she’s whoring herself to get more money for crack)
(after her old man cut her off)

(i start boozing wednesday morning)
(raiding the family liquor cabinet)
(i go on blackout drunken rampage)
(call out tess for her behavior)

(she kicks me out of the house)


*12 MAY 2016*

(i spend a final night at the barton barn)
(tess is also kicked out of the house)


*13 MAY 2016*

(friday the 13th)
(i sleep in backroom studio)
(because clark won’t let me sleep in the studio)
(kevin discovers me)
(i’m banned from backroom studios)
(i sleep in the woods)


*14 MAY 2016*


(i take uber to NYC)

(attend landmark forum meeting with ana diorio)
(i pledge to sign up)
(even though i have no money)


*21 MAY 2016*


(‘princeton starbucks’ opens @ 5am)


*25 MAY 2016*


(first i slept in the woods along university street)
(at 4am it got too cold and i went to the train station)
(the indoor station was open)
(and double gobble ed was there waiting for me)


*26 MAY 2016*


(i get permanent filling for my tooth)
(cheryl pays for week @ sleepy hollow motel)


*31 MAY 2016*


(@ sleepy hollow motel)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“MAY 2015”*


*“MAY 2017”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“MAY JOURNALS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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