*memorial day 2014*

*26 MAY 2014*

(another hellish week)

cheryl came for lunch on monday (5/19)…

she offered to pay the remaining $89 for my jaywalking ticket…

so she drove me to the courthouse and i paid up…i was feeling very nauseous…we had lunch outdoors @ the witherspoon grill…water / coke / fried calamari / caesar salad / pulled pork sandwich / sweet potato fries / pickle…she gave me the leftovers from her chicken salad sandwich…didn’t make my stomach feel any better…she gave me $40 (plus the $10 change from the money she gave me to pay off the ticket) and a reload on food…in exchange, i gave her my dirty laundry…i focused on finishing up the “send in the lions” video for AI…he posted it to the repraise youtube account and wired me $100…

on tuesday (5/20), i was even more nauseous than the day before…i reported to the job search program anyway…i paid my yearly domain name fee for www.jogajungle.com over the phone…

on wednesday (5/21) i decided to buy some booze in order to drink away my nausea…three 40oz bottles of steel reserve…and a can of dip from the local gas station…i forced them down that night as i organized my music…

on thursday (5/22), i called in sick to the job search program…i lied and told them i was going to a doctor to fill out my medical form (to excuse me from attending the program)…i bought 4 bottles of steel reserve and a pack of benson + hedges cigarettes…this is where things got hazy…according to my bank statement, i must’ve returned to the liquor store and bought 9 more bottles of steel reserve and another 2 packs of cigarettes…

i blacked out sometime that day…my phone battery was out…i struggled to re-insert it (which actually helped fix the browser scrolling problem)…my preamp phantom power button was off…i saw that i had drunk-dialed my younger sister…i had forgotten to eat…i walked back to the liquor store thinking that it was 7pm…it was actually 7am…took me awhile to realize this…so i returned @ 9am for more booze…

now i was feeling euphoric…started organizing videos from live performances over the years…fell into the masturbatory trap of listening to my own music…recorded a great vocal for a slow version of “spoiler alert”…but when i tried recording a new version of “el jacko” i was too hammered to handle it…a fat black lady knocked on my door asking for cigarettes…i gave her two…later i bonded with her cute young son…

john the drunk called me that evening…he had been trying to call me all week…the one time i answered he claimed that he needed to crash with me at the motel because his landlady was evicting all the tenants…that wasn’t going to happen…i was drunk enough to offer to visit him…he said he’d send a taxi for me…only i was going to have to pay…we ended up stopping at a convenience store along the way…cost me another $44.50…another foolish mistake…i arrived and he provided me with large cans of miller high life and cigarettes…along with a few shots of fireball whiskey…then he started bitching at me about money for all the beer and cigarettes he’s given me…i offered to go to the ATM (not realizing that i’d blown all my money that week)…when i returned empty-handed, he got angry…i started drunk-dialing anyone that i thought could provide me with money…the old man…the watchung house…no answer…i foolishly gave him my PIN # and we returned to the ATM machine…he saw that i had no money in the account and became furious…he said he’d call the police if i didn’t leave…i tried to placate him as we walked back to the house…he called 911 anyway…at that point i walked to the princeton shopping center bus stop…soon enough there were 3 cop cars there…i explained the situation…they just told me to stay away from the house…one of them knew that i had graduated from harvard…the 606 bus came within 20 minutes…i bonded with the night janitor…even showed him some of my sex tapes…in exchange he brought me a bud light…

i had sent an angry text message to john the drunk the night before…he started texting me first thing in the morning threatening to come to the motel to “collect his money”…i told him if he came to the motel i would call the cops…he said he was coming anyway…so i called 911…a cop arrived and i explained the situation…he took pictures of our text exchanges…he called john the drunk from a restricted # and told him not to contact me (he rolled up his window so i couldn’t hear the exact conversation)…he told me to ignore him if he called and that if he came to the motel he would be arrested…i asked about a restraining order…he said that was only for “dating relationships”…john the drunk had told him that i owed him $120…i explained to the cop that he was just saying that i owed him for beers over the years…the cop explained that the only way he could try to collect this money was to take me to small claims court…and that he would need to produce receipts and ledgers…implying that it would be impossible to do…still i hope he doesn’t try…it’d be another hassle…

i awoke tuesday morning and finally started organizing my hard drive…i checked with the front desk about the toilet…they said they were fixing it this weekend…but when i left the room in the afternoon it still wasn’t flushing properly…i need to clean up my act…the front desk indian also told me that the janitors needed to clean my room everyday from here on out…i should’ve asked him for a deadbolt key…i did mention that i was “suspicious” of gabriel…he just told me to take it up with the cops…

i should’ve focused more on musicmaking during my marathon binge…instead i called up cheryl and she could tell i was drinking…i did have some good conversations with the rolland runts…doctor green claims that i could live rent-free in magic dan’s boulder apartment for a few months if i work as a dispatcher…don’t know if magic dan will agree to this…

the wordpress keeps automatically scrolling to the top of the post…annoying…

other conversations over the week:

john ames still refuses to listen to the new music…

saliesh dhungana is desperate for cigarettes…

soroniatis nikos is too busy to come to my shows…

the rolland runts are still leading me on about heading west…before pulling the rug from right out underneath me…

michael anthony is pumped about future live performances…

nicole henriques won’t answer me…

monica o’malley won’t answer me…

abbie schafer won’t answer me…

king louie won’t answer me…

caleb kuntz won’t answer me…

joseph battiatio won’t answer me…

james chou still responds to all my messages with a dry “ok”…

i still occasionally flirt with jennifer joy…she works in manhattan now…i told her i’d be moving to brooklyn next month…it’s always me that initiates the conversations (probably because she has a boyfriend)…

and i flirted with vanessa bushnic…she was watching “family feud” with chelsea steinflower…but she still played clueless about my music…

i still try to flirt with yamel thompson…but she won’t even give me her phone number…maybe that’s why caleb doesn’t respond to my messages…

i must’ve done a lot of drunk dialing during my blackout phase…i think i called nick crowley…and michael morton brown at 6am…he got cranky about that…but now he’s back to calling me…and jennifer joy asked why i “always called her at inappropriate hours”…even though i haven’t called her in months…and i don’t think i ever called in the late night or early morning…it was she who last flaked on me when she said she’d visit me in the evening…

somehow i have $280 on my foodstamps card…they must’ve made a mistake…at least i can subsist on coffee and energy drinks…and i won’t starve to death anytime soon…i should start selling food on the street…

i need to make AI’s “straight and gay” video by the end of the week…so i can have another $100 to make it up to NYC and throw roboray some money…i need to focusing on promoting the show the rest of the week…

nick still has to get me those videos…i need to find a way to reingratiate myself with the chaparro sisters…i was so horny all weekend…all i could do was rub my nipples and jack off…

the bus driver tried busting my balls last week…said it required an extra 65 cents to go to trenton even with a monthly bus pass…but he’d “let me slide this time”…funny how i’ve been riding the same line for months but never heard this before…especially for a 5 minute bus ride…

i finally got all my contacts organized into my wordpress account…now i need to start focusing on the wild dreams i had during this withdrawal weekend…

now i’m back at the job search center with an expired ID…jay spotted me walking in and told me to talk to jack…i’ll talk to him tomorrow…i’m much too shabby today…i’m still horny as a goat…and my phone is dying…and cheryl lynn is pissed at me for drinking…

(and i’ll probably be shitting all day)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“MEMORIAL DAY 2013”*


*“MEMORIAL DAY 2015”* ☞ 👉👉👉












🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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