*minamoto no yorinobu*


源 頼信

(’21 december 968′ – ‘1 june 1048’)


(“minamoto no yorinobu” was a ‘samurai commander’ and member of the powerful ‘minamoto’ clan)


(he was the son of ‘minamoto no mitsunaka’ (‘912’ – ‘997’))

(along with his brother ‘yorimitsu’, ‘yorinobu’ served the regents of the ‘fujiwara’ clan, taking the violent measures the ‘fujiwara’ were themselves unable to take)

(he held the ‘title’, passed down from his ‘father’, of chinjufu-shogun (or “‘commander-in-chief’ of the ‘defense’ of the ‘north’)

(he served as ‘governor’ of the japanese ‘ise’ and ‘kai’ provinces, and was the progenitor of the ‘kawachi genji’ family line and his son, ‘minamoto no yorisue’, was ancestor of the ‘takanashi’ clan of ‘shinano province’)

(‘yorinobu’ is particularly known for being a favorite of the regent ‘fujiwara no michinaga’, and for suppressing a revolt by ‘taira no tadatsune’, vice-governor of ‘kazusa province’)

(he had originally refused, for ‘personal reasons’, but eventually assented to taking on the charge of defeating ‘tadatsune’, after being made “‘governor’ of ‘kai'”)

(while making preparations to attack, ‘tadatsune’ surrendered, offering no resistance in ‘1031’)

(in putting an end to this rebellion, ‘yorinobu’ not only furthered the court’s goals and his own ‘reputation’, but he created an opening for ‘minamoto’ influence in the eastern portions of the country)


(the story of the capture of ‘tadatsune’ while ‘yorinobu’ was the “‘governor’ of ‘kai’, and other stories while he was the governor of ‘kōzuke province’ and ‘hitachi province’, appear in the “konjaku monogatarishū” (vol #25 / sections #9 + #11))



*👨‍🔬🕵️‍♀️🙇‍♀️*RESEARCH JOURNALS*🙇‍♂️👩‍🔬🕵️‍♂️*















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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