"miss mandolin"*lyrics*

(aka “miss marilyn”)
(aka “miss madeline”)


“el puto!”

(ho ho ho!)


oh miss mandolin…
oh dismantling…

oh…she loves me so…
if you love her so much you’d better let her go…

come commit another sin
leave your piety with me

running out of enemies
fulfill my fantasy

miss santa cruz
miss san jose

miss ketamine
miss kerosene

miss trampoline

my jelly bean

board the mothership
lead me to another ship

take me on another trip

bomb your enemies

pretty pretty pretty please

know your enemies

yes our destinies

hey catastrophe

all along you’re worry free

hey miss beauty queen

oh miss mandolin

lend your helping hand again

hey miss tangerine

come commit a crime with me

o she loves me so


out of africa…
into attica…



hey miss maybelline…
eliminate her suffering…

“wish i knew”
(wasted childhood)

waste time wondering
what they knew
wish i knew

wish i’d known
clumsy fumblin
for the phone

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  1. miss mandolin | *JoGa Jungle*

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