(location of ‘munich’ within ‘greater germany’)
-as of [6 APRIL 2024]–
(1) – *english* —>
(2) – *german* —>
(3) – *bavarian* —>
(“munich” is the ‘capital’ + ‘largest city’ of the german state of ‘bavaria’, on the ‘banks’ of ‘river isar’ north of the ‘bavarian alps’)
(‘munich’ is the 3rd largest city in ‘germany’)
(after ‘berlin’ and ‘hamburg’)
(i”n terms of ‘land’ or ‘population’?”)
(or both?”)
(probably ‘population’)
(12th biggest ‘city’ of the ‘european union’)
(‘population’ of around ‘1.5 million’)
(as of ‘2 july 2018’)
(the ‘munich metropolitan region’ is home to ‘6 million people’)
(the ‘city’ is a major center of ‘art’, ‘advanced technologies’, ‘finance’, ‘publishing’, ‘culture’, ‘innovation’, ‘education’, ‘business, and ‘tourism’ in ‘germany’ and ‘europe’ and enjoys a very high ‘standard’ and ‘quality’ of living, reaching #1 in ‘germany’ and #4 ‘worldwide’ according to the 2015 ‘mercer survey’)
(using what ‘criteria’?)
(and which ‘criteria’ is most important to me?)
(a vibrant ‘music scene’?)
(or ‘lack of’ ‘music scene’?)
(according to the “‘globalization’ and ‘world’ rankings research institute”…)
(“‘world’ ‘rankings'”?”)
“or ‘world rankings’?)
(…’munich’ is considered an ‘alpha-world city’
(as of ‘2015’)
(a ‘primary node’ in terms of the ‘power / infuence’ of the city’s ‘economy’)
(the ‘name’ of the ‘city’ is derived from the “‘old’ (/ ‘middle’?) ‘high german'” term munichen, meaning “by the ‘monks'”, which in turn is derived from ‘mönch’ (which “in the end” derives from ‘ancient greek’ μοναχός))
(it derives from the ‘monks’ of the ‘benedictine order’, who ran a ‘monastery’ at the place that was later to become the “‘old town’ of ‘munich'”; hence the ‘monk’ depicted on the city’s ‘coat of arms’)
(‘munich’ was first ‘mentioned’ in ‘1158’)
(“or rather ‘as far as we know ‘at present”…)
(from ‘1255’ on, the ‘city’ was ‘seat’ of the ‘bavarian dukes’)
(‘black’ and ‘gold’ (the colors of the ‘holy roman empire’) – have been the city’s ‘official colors’ since the time of “‘ludwig’ the ‘bavarian'”, when it was an ‘imperial residence’)
(following a final ‘reunification’ of the “‘wittelsbachian duchy’ of ‘bavaria'”, previously ‘divided’ and ‘sub-divided’ for more than ‘200 years’, the town became the country’s sole ‘capital’ in ‘1506’)
(“catholic ‘munich'” was a ‘cultural stronghold’ of the ‘counter-reformation’ and a political ‘point of divergence’ during the resulting “’30 YEARS WAR” but remained physically ‘untouched’ despite an ‘occupation’ by the ‘protestant swedes’; as the ‘townsfolk’ would rather ‘open’ the ‘gates’ of their ‘town’ than risk ‘siege’ and (‘almost inevitable’ (?)) ‘destruction’)
(like wide parts of the ‘holy roman empire’, the area recovered slowly economically)
(having evolved from a ‘duchy’s capital’ into that of an ‘electorate’ (‘1623’), and later a ‘sovereign kingdom’ (‘1806’), ‘munich’ has been a major european center of ‘arts’, ‘architecture’, ‘culture’, and ‘science’ since the ‘early 19th century’, heavily sponsored by the ‘bavarian monarchs’)
(in ‘1918’, during the ‘german revolution’, the ruling house of ‘wittelsbach’ (which governed ‘bavaria’ since ‘1180’, was forced to ‘abdicate’ in ‘munich’ and a short-living ‘socialist republic’ was declared)
(“let’s get to the ‘nazis’ akready”!)
(in the 1920s, ‘munich’ became home to several ‘political factions’, among them the ‘NSDAP’, which was founded in the ‘city in 1920)
(“now we’re talking!”)
(“‘things’ are starting to get ‘interesting’ (to say ‘the ‘least’)”)
(“NSDAP” –> “National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei”)
(english translation: “national socialist german workers’ party”)
(“‘fraid so!”)
(“thought so!”)
(though the first attempt of the ‘nazi movement’ to overtake the ‘german government ‘in ‘1923’ with the ‘beer hall putsch’, which was stopped by the ‘bavarian police’ in ‘munich’ with ‘gunfire’, the ‘nazis’ declared the ‘city’ after their ‘rise to power’ to be hauptstadt der bewegung (lit(erally): “‘capital’ of the ‘movement'”))
(“putsch” –> (german word for “violent attempt to ‘overthrow’ a ‘government’)
(during “world war 2”, ‘munich’ was heavily bombed and more than 50% of the entire ‘city’ and up to 90% of the ‘historic center’ were ‘destroyed’)
(the ‘postwar period’ was characterized by ‘american occupation’ until ‘1949’ and a strong increase of ‘population’ and ‘economic power’ during the years of the wirtschaftswunder (lit(erally).: “economic miracle”) after ‘1949’)
(unlike many other ‘german cities’ which were heavily ‘bombed’ and ‘destroyed’ during ‘world war 2″, ‘munich’ rebuilt most of its ‘traditional cityscape’ and added a ‘modern face’ to the ‘city’ with the ‘olympic stadium’, while hosting the ‘1972 summer olympics’)
(‘palestinian’ (/ ‘muslim’? / ‘arab’?) terrorists murdered 11 ‘israeli athletes’ and a ‘german officer’)
(and (just) ‘think’ – 30 years ago, the ‘germans’ were busy massacring millions of ‘european jews’)
(which played a large part in ‘post-WWII’ creation of an ‘israeli nation’)
(thus ‘displacing’ the ‘palestinians’ from their homes)
(in addition the ‘allianz arena’ was ‘inaugurated’ in ‘2005’)
(the ‘stadium’ is owned by ‘FC bayern munich’ – the most successful ‘german football club’ both in terms of ‘domestic’ and ‘international’ success)
(especially since the ‘1980s’, ‘munich’ and the entire surrounding region was characterized by “strong ‘economic growth'”, the “location of ‘high-tech industries’ and ‘scientific institutions'”, “very low ‘unemployment rates’, and a “strong ‘influx’ of ‘people'”)
(the ‘city’ is home to major corporations like ‘BMW’, ‘siemens’, ‘MAN’, ‘linde’, ‘allianz’, and ‘MunichRE’ as well as many ‘small’ and ‘medium-sized’ companies)
(‘munich’ is home to many ‘national’ and ‘international’ authorities, ‘major universities’, ‘major museums’, and ‘theaters’)
(its numerous ‘architectural attractions’, ‘international sports events’, ‘exhibitions’, and ‘conferences’ and its annual ‘oktoberfest’ attract considerable ‘tourism’)
(‘munich’ is one of the most ‘prosperous’ and ‘fastest growing’ cities in ‘(greater) germany’)
(it is a ‘top-ranked destination’ for ‘migration’ and ‘expatriate’ location, despite being the ‘municipality’ with the “highest ‘density’ of population (4,500 inh. per km²) in ‘germany’)
(‘munich’ nowadays ‘hosts’ more than ‘530K “people of ‘foreign background'”, making up 37.7% of the ‘entire population’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥