-north america-





-as of [14 FEBRUARY 2024]










*”north america” was formed 1 – 1.5 billion years ago*


-“north america” is a continent entirely within the ‘northern hemisphere’ and almost all within the “western hemisphere”-


(it can also be considered a northern ‘sub-continent’ of ‘the americas’)



“arctic ocean”

“atlantic ocean”

“pacific ocean”

“south america” / “caribbean sea”


(“north america” covers an ‘area; of about ‘24,709,000 square kilometers’ (or ‘9,540,000 square miles’), about ‘16.5%’ of the earth’s ‘land area’ and about 4.8% of its ‘total surface’)

(“north america” is the ‘3rd largest continent’ by ‘area’, following “asia” and “africa”, and the ‘4th largest continent’ by ‘population’ after “asia” / “africa” / “europe”)

(in ‘2013’, its ‘population’ was estimated at nearly ‘565 million people’ in ’23 independent states’, or about ‘7.5% of the world’s population’, if nearby islands (most notably the “caribbean”) are included)

(“north america” was reached by its first human populations during the last “glacial period”, via crossing the “bering land bridge”)

(the so-called “paleo-indian period” is taken to have lasted until about ‘10,000 years ago’ (the beginning of the “archaic” or “meso-indian period”)

(the “classic” stage spans roughly the ‘500s’ to the ‘1200s’)

(the ‘pre-columbian era’ ended with the arrival of ‘european settlers’ during the ‘age of discovery ‘and the ‘early modern period’)

(present-day ‘cultural’ + ‘ethnic’ patterns reflect different kind of interactions between ‘european colonists’, ‘indigenous peoples’, ‘african slaves’, and their ‘descendants’)


(so all 3 human ‘races’ are well-represented in this continental ‘melting pot’…)

(‘yellow’ asia)
(‘native americans’)

(‘white’ europe)
(‘settlers / colonists’)

(‘black’ africa)
(‘slaves’ of the white colonists)


(‘european influences’ are strongest in the ‘northern parts’ of the continent…)


(…while ‘indigenous’ + ‘african’ influences are relatively stronger in the ‘south’)


(because of the history of ‘colonialism’, most ‘north americans’ speak [‘english’ / ‘spanish’ / ‘french’] and societies + states commonly reflect ‘western traditions’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE AMERICAS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. continents | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “the americas” | *JoGa Jungle*
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