




*official name* —>

*the kingdom of norway*




(the norwegian boat)




‘norwegian’ –>

norge (bokmål)
noreg (nynorsk))


*”norway” is a ‘sovereign’ + ‘unitary’ monarchy whose territory comprises the western portion of the ‘scandinavian peninsula’ plus the island ‘jan mayen’ and the archipelago of ‘svalbard’*


(the antarctic ‘peter I island’ and the sub-antarctic ‘bouvet island’ are ‘dependent territories’ and thus not considered part of the ‘kingdom’)

(‘norway’ also lays claim to a section of ‘antarctica’ known as ‘queen maud land’)

(until ‘1814’, the ‘kingdom’ included the ‘faroe islands’ (since 1035), ‘greenland’ (1261), and ‘iceland’ (1262))

(it also included ‘shetland’ + ‘orkney’ until ‘1468’)



*as of ‘may 2016’* –>

(‘norway’ has a total area of ‘385,252 square kilometers’ (148,747 square miles) and a population of ‘5,213,985’)


(the country shares a long eastern border with ‘sweden’ (1,619 km / 1,006 miles long)


(‘norway’ is bordered by…)

(to the ‘north’?)

‘finland’ + ‘russia’
(to the north-east)

the ‘skagerrak strait’
(to the south)


(‘norway’ has an extensive coastline, facing the ‘north atlantic ocean’ and the ‘barents sea’)

(‘king harald V’ of the german ‘house of glücksburg’ is the current ‘king of norway’)

(‘erna solberg’ became ‘prime minister’ in ‘2013’, replacing ‘jens stoltenberg’)

(a ‘constitutional monarchy’, ‘norway’ divides ‘state power’ between the ‘parliament’, the ‘cabinet’, and the ‘supreme court’, as determined by the ‘1814 constitution’)

(the ‘kingdom’ is established as a merger of several ‘petty kingdoms’)

(by the traditional count from the year ‘872’, the ‘kingdom’ has existed continuously for 1,144 years, and the list of ‘norwegian monarchs’ includes over 60 ‘kings’ + ‘earls’)

(‘norway’ has both ‘administrative’ + ‘political’ subdivisions on 2 levels: ‘counties’ + ‘municipalities’)

(the ‘sámi people’ have a certain amount of ‘self-determination’ + ‘influence’ over traditional territories through the ‘sámi parliament’ + the ‘finnmark act’)

(‘norway’ maintains close ties with the ‘european union’ and the ‘united states’)


(‘norway’ is a ‘founding member’ of…)

*the ‘united nations’*


*the ‘council of europe’*

*the ‘antarctic treaty’*

*the ‘nordic council’*



(and a member of…)

the ‘european economic area’

the ‘WTO’

the ‘OECD’


(‘norway’ is part of the ‘schengen area’)


(the country maintains a combination of ‘market economy’ + a ‘nordic welfare model’ with ‘universal health care’ + a ‘comprehensive social security system’)


(‘norway’ has extensive reserves of…)



‘natural gas’








‘fresh water’




(the ‘petroleum industry’ accounts for around a quarter of the country’s ‘gross domestic product’ (GDP))

(on a ‘per-capita basis’, ‘norway’ is the world’s largest producer of ‘oil’ + ‘natural gas’ outside the ‘middle east’)

(the country has the ‘4th-highest per capita income’ in the world on the ‘world bank’ + ‘IMF’ lists)

(on the CIA’s GDP (PPP) per capita list (‘2015 estimate’) which includes ‘territories’ and some ‘regions’, ‘norway’ ranks as #11)

(from 2001 to 2006, and then again from 2009 to 2015, “norway” had the highest “human development index” ranking in the world)

(norway has topped the “legatum prosperity index” for 7 years in a row as of ‘2015’)


(‘norway’ ranks also 1st on…)

the “OECD better life index”


the “index of public integrity”


the “democracy index”






👈👈👈☜*“SCANDINAVIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  2. scandinavia | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. tore | *JoGa Jungle*

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