*nyc journals*

*1988* –>

(started visiting NYC)
(to the old man’s columbia alumni football games)
(with charlie manzione)
(lebanese food)

(start making list of “secret passages”)
(the first + most important being the ‘holland tunnel’)


*MARCH 2007* –>

(move to NYC)


*MARCH 2009* –>

(move out of NYC)



*MAY 2015*

(perform @ blackthorn 51 in elmhurst queens)

hit NYC tomorrow?

(need to raise $14.75 for the train ride)


*15 DECEMBER 2015* –>


(raise busking money to hit up NYC)

(meet with janine in murray hill)


another day when i won’t be heading into the city…i need to probably start fresh…and who knows how long these withdrawals can last if i keep doing stop ‘n start drinking…

friday morning i hit NYC

gotta will myself to NYC

i need to get an early start on the day…

do i really feel like going to NYC tomorrow?

do i really want to go into NYC today?

i’m sick of lying about going into NYC…

and i ain’t hitting the city

at an NYC apartment party mingling…jeff taylor walked in and i noted that this was not the first time he’d walked in on me at a party…i was happy i impressed him with my social graces…i had signed up for some sort of open mic there but wasn’t sure if i’d be called…even uncle tony was listed before me…

chandru was organizing the list

(or was it a black dude?)






👈👈👈☜*“NEW YORK CITY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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