

(clockwise from top right…)

‘palestine sunbird’
(cinnyris osea)

‘blue jay’
(cyanocitta cristata)

‘house sparrow’
(passer domesticus)

‘great tit’
(parus major)

‘hooded crow’
(corvus cornix)

‘southern masked weaver’
(ploceus velatus)



*aka order ‘passeriformes’*



*TYPES* –>



(a passerine is any bird of the order passeriformes)

(which includes more than half of all ‘bird species’)


(a notable feature of ‘passerines’ compared to other orders of ‘aves’ is the arrangement of their toes, 3 pointing forward + 1 back, which facilitates ‘perching’)

(sometimes known as ‘perching birds’ (or – less accurately – as ‘songbirds’), the ‘passerines’ form one of the most diverse ‘terrestrial vertebrate orders’, with over 5,000 identified species)


[it has roughly twice as many species as the largest of the mammal orders (the ‘rodentia’)]


(it contains more than 110 families, the 2nd-most of any order of ‘tetra-pods’ (after ‘squamata’ / the ‘scaled reptiles’))


(‘the ‘passerines’ contain several groups of ‘brood parasites’ such as…)

the viduas,


and the cowbirds.



(the names [‘passerine’ / ‘passeriformes’] are derived from passer domesticus, the scientific name of the eponymous species (the ‘house sparrow’) + ultimately from the latin term passer for passer ‘sparrows’ + similar ‘small birds’)









👈👈👈☜*“NEOGNATHAE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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