*as of ‘10 SEPTEMBER 2023’*
*for adults ‘age 16’ and up*
*US passports are valid for a ’10-year period’*
*i got my first passport at ‘age 18’*
-a passport is a ‘travel document’ – usually issued by a country’s government – that certifies the ‘identity’ + ‘nationality’ of its holder for the purpose of ‘international travel’-
(‘standard passports’ may contain information such as the holder’s (‘name’, ‘place’ / ‘date of birth’ / ‘photograph’ / ‘signature’ / ‘other identifying information’))
(‘passports’ are moving towards including ‘biometric information’ in a ‘micro-chip’ embedded in the document, making them ‘machine-readable’ + ‘difficult to counterfeit’)
(as of ‘5 april 2017′, ’96 countries’ issue “biometric passports”)
(a ‘passport holder’ is normally entitled to enter the country that issued the ‘passport’, though some people entitled to a ‘passport’ may not be ‘full citizens’ with ‘right of abode’)
(a ‘passport’ is a document certifying ‘identity’ + ‘nationality’; having the document does not of itself grant any rights (such as ‘protection by the consulate of the issuing country’), although it may indicate that the holder has such rights)
(some ‘passports’ attest to status as a ‘diplomat’ (or other ‘official’), entitled to ‘rights’ + ‘privileges’ such as ‘immunity’ from ‘arrest’ or ‘prosecution’)
(many countries normally allow entry to holders of passports of other countries, sometimes requiring a ‘visa’ also to be held, but this is not an ‘automatic right’)
(many other additional conditions (such as ‘not being likely to become a public charge for financial or other reasons’), and the holder not having been convicted of a crime, may be applicable)
(where a country does not recognize another (or is ‘in dispute’ with it). it may prohibit the use of their ‘passport’ for travel to that other country, or may prohibit entry to holders of that other country’s passports, and sometimes to others who have, for example, visited the other country)
(some ‘countries’ + ‘international organizations’ issue ‘travel documents’ which are not ‘standard passports’, but enable the holder to travel internationally to countries that recognize the documents)
(for example, ‘stateless persons’ are not normally issued a ‘national passport’, but may be able to obtain a ‘refugee travel document’ or the earlier “nansen passport” which enables them to travel to countries which recognize them, and sometimes to return to the ‘issuing country’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥