


*ancient greek* –> Πεντηκοστή [ἡμέρα],
ppentēkostē [hēmera],
“the fiftieth [day]”


*the christian holiday pentecost is celebrated ’50 days’ after ‘easter day’, counting inclusively (including both the ‘first’ and ‘last’ days), i.e. ‘7 weeks’ after ‘easter day’*


(7 x 7)

(*cue “the 49ers”)
(‘california gold rush’)


(it falls on the 10th day after ‘ascension thursday’ (which itself is ’40 days’ after ‘easter’))

(the ‘christian pentecost’ is based on the ‘new testament’, where it refers to the occasion of the descent of the ‘holy spirit’ upon the ‘apostles’ and other followers of ‘jesus christ’, as described in the ‘acts of the apostles’ 2:1–31)

(according to ‘luke 22:12–13’, the “‘descent’ of the ‘holy spirit’ took place while the ‘apostles’ were celebrating the ‘jewish day’ of ‘shavuot’ (hebrew: שבועות‎‎, lit. “weeks”), the ‘feast of weeks’, a prominent ‘feast’ in the calendar of ‘ancient israel’ celebrating the ‘giving’ of the ‘law’ to ‘moses at ‘sinai’)

(subsequently, the term ‘pentecost’ may refer to the “Pentecost of the New Testament and Shavuot of the Old Testament”)

(the ‘shavuot’ of the ‘old testament’ is a significant event shared by ‘jewish’ and ‘christian’ traditions but is not commonly celebrated as a separate holiday by ‘christians’)

(in the ‘christian liturgical year’, it became a feast commemorating what is described by some christians as the “birthday of the church”)

(the ‘pentecostal movement’ of ‘christianity’ emphasizes direct personal experience with god (akin to the “descent of the ‘holy spirit'” upon the ‘apostles’)

(the feast is also called White Sunday, or “Whitsunday”, especially in the United Kingdom, where traditionally the next day, Whit Monday, was also a public holiday.

(in ‘eastern christianity’, ‘pentecost’ can also refer to the entire ’50 days’ between ‘easter’ and ‘pentecost’, hence the book containing the liturgical texts for paschaltide is called the pentecostarion.

(in ‘germany’, ‘pentecost’ is referred to as ‘pfingsten’ and often coincides with ‘school holidays’ and the beginning of many ‘outdoor’ and ‘spring’ related activities such as ‘festivals’ and ‘organized outdoor activities’ by ‘youth organizations’)

(the monday of the ‘pentecost’ is a legal holiday in many european countries)






👈👈👈☜*“THE EASTER SEASON”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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