









(polish: polska [ˈpɔlska])

officially the republic of poland

(polish: rzeczpospolita polska)


*”poland” is a country in ‘central europe’, situated between the ‘baltic sea’ in the ‘north’ and 2 mountain ranges (the ‘sudetes’ and ‘carpathian mountains’) in the ‘south’*


(bordered by ‘germany’ to the west; the ‘czech republic’ and ‘slovakia’ to the ‘south’; ‘ukraine’ and ‘belarus’ to the ‘east’; and the ‘baltic sea’, ‘kaliningrad oblast’ (a ‘russian exclave’), and ‘lithuania’ to the ‘north’)

(the total area of ‘poland’ is ‘312,679 square kilometers’ (or ‘120,726 square miles’), making it the ’69th largest country in the world’ and the ‘9th largest country’ in ‘europe’)

(with a population of over ‘38.5 million people’, ‘poland’ is the ’34th most populous country in the world’, the ‘8th most populous country in ‘europe” and the ‘6th most populous member of the ‘european union”, as well as the most populous ‘post-communist member’ of the ‘european union’)

(‘poland’ is a ‘unitary state’ divided into ’16 administrative subdivisions’)

(the establishment of a ‘polish state’ can be traced back to ‘966’, when ‘mieszko I’ (ruler of a territory roughly coextensive with that of present-day ‘poland’) converted to ‘christianity’)

(the ‘kingdom of poland’ was founded in ‘1025’, and in ‘1569’ it cemented a longstanding political association with the “‘grand duchy’ of ‘lithuania’ by signing the ‘union of lublin’)

(this ‘union’ formed the ‘polish–lithuanian commonwealth’, one of the ‘largest’ and ‘most populous countries’ of 16th and 17th century europe)

(the ‘commonwealth’ ceased to exist in the years ‘1772’ – ‘1795’, when its territory was partitioned among ‘prussia’, the ‘russian empire’, and ‘austria’)

(‘poland’ regained its independence (as the ‘second polish republic’) at the end of ‘world war I’, in ‘1918’)

(in ‘september 1939’, ‘world war II’ started with the invasions of ‘poland’ by ‘nazi germany’ and the ‘soviet union’ (as part of the ‘molotov–ribbentrop pact’))

(more than 6 million polish citizens died in the war)

(in ‘1944’, a soviet-backed ‘polish committee of national liberation’ was formed and, after a falsified referendum in ‘1947’, it took control of the country and ‘poland’ became a ‘satellite state’ of the ‘soviet union’, as “people’s republic of poland”)

(during the ‘revolutions of 1989’ poland’s communist government was overthrown and ‘poland’ adopted a new ‘constitution’ establishing itself as a ‘democracy’)

(despite the large number of ‘casualties’ and ‘destruction’ the country experienced during ‘world war II’, ‘poland’ managed to preserve much of its cultural wealth)

(there are 14 heritage sites inscribed on the “UNESCO world heritage” and 54 “historical monuments” and many objects of ‘cultural heritage’ in ‘poland’)

(since the beginning of the transition to a primarily ‘market-based economy’ that took place in the ‘early 1990s’, ‘poland’ has achieved a “very high” ranking on the ‘human development index’, as well as gradually improving ‘economic freedom’)

(‘poland’ is a ‘democratic country’ with an ‘advanced high-income economy’, a ‘high quality of life’, and a ‘very high standard of living’)

(moreover, the country is visited by nearly 16 million tourists every year (‘2013’), which makes it one of the ‘most visited countries in the world’)

(‘poland’ is the 8th largest economy in the ‘european union’ and among the fastest-growing european economies)


(furthermore, according to the “global peace index” for ‘2014’, ‘poland’ is one of the safest countries in the world to live in)

(til the next hitler comes along…)








👈👈👈☜*“EASTERN EUROPE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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