

(artist’s rendering of ‘accretion disk’ in ‘ULAS J1120+0641’)

(‘very distant ‘quasar’ powered by a ‘black hole’ with a ‘mass’ 2 billion times that of the ‘sun’)

(what it ‘may have LOOKED like’)

(770 million years after the ‘big bang’)

(this object BY FAR is the ‘brightest’ object yet discovered in the ‘early universe’)


“KWAY zar”



“quasi-stellar radio source”


-“quasars” (/ˈkweɪzɑːr/) or quasi-stellar radio sources are the most ‘energetic’ + most ‘distant’ members of a class of ‘objects’ called ‘active galactic nuclei’ (“AGN”)-


(‘quasars’ are extremely ‘luminous’ and were first identified as being high ‘redshift sources’ of ‘electromagnetic energy’, including ‘radio waves’ and ‘visible light’, that appeared to be similar to ‘stars’, rather than extended sources similar to ‘galaxies’)

(their ‘spectra’ contain very broad ’emission lines’, unlike any known from ‘stars’, hence the name “quasi-stellar”)

(their ‘luminosity’ can be 100 times greater than that of the ‘milky way’ (a ‘galaxy’))

(though the very word ‘galaxy’ is ‘english’ for (ancient greek?))

(most ‘quasars’ were formed approximately ’12 billion years ago’, and they are normally caused by ‘collisions’ of ‘galaxies’, with the galaxies’ ‘central black holes’ merging to form either a ‘supermassive black hole’ or a ‘binary black hole’ system)

(although the true nature of these objects was controversial until the early 1980s, there is now a ‘scientific consensus’ that a ‘quasar’ is a ‘compact region’ in the center of a massive ‘galaxy’ surrounding a ‘central supermassive black hole’)

(its ‘size’ is ’10’ – ‘10,000’ times the ‘schwarzschild radius’ of the enclosed ‘black hole’)

(the ‘energy’ emitted by a ‘quasar’ derives from ‘mass’ falling onto the ‘accretion disc’ around the ‘black hole’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥