












*’radio’ is the technology of using ‘radio waves’ to carry information, such as “sound”, by systematically modulating some property of “electromagnetic energy waves” transmitted through ‘space’, such as their ‘amplitude’, ‘frequency’, ‘phase’, or ‘pulse width’*


(when “radio waves” strike an “electrical conductor”, the oscillating fields induce an “alternating current” in the “conductor”)

(the information in the waves can be extracted and transformed back into its original form)

(“radio systems” need a transmitter to ‘modulate’ (change) some property of the energy produced to impress a signal on it, for example using ‘amplitude modulation’ or ‘angle modulation’ (which can be ‘frequency modulation’ or ‘phase modulation’))

(“radio systems” also need an ‘antenna’ to convert ‘electric currents’ into ‘radio waves’, and vice versa)

(an ‘antenna’ can be used for both ‘transmitting’ and ‘receiving’)

(the ‘electrical resonance’ of tuned circuits in radios allow ‘individual stations’ to be selected)

(the ‘electromagnetic wave’ is intercepted by a ‘tuned receiving antenna’)

(a ‘radio receiver’ receives its input from an antenna and converts it into a form usable for the consumer, such as ‘sound’, ‘pictures’, ‘digital data’, ‘measurement values’, ‘navigational positions’, etc)

(‘radio frequencies’ occupy the range from a 3 kHz to 300 GHz, although ‘commercially important’ uses of ‘radio’ use only a small part of this ‘spectrum’)

(a ‘radio communication system’ sends ‘signals’ by ‘radio’)

(the ‘radio equipment’ involved in communication systems includes a ‘transmitter’ and a ‘receiver’, each having an ‘antenna’ and appropriate ‘terminal equipment’ such as a ‘microphone’ at the ‘transmitter’ and a ‘loudspeaker’ at the ‘receiver’ in the case of a ‘voice-communication system’)]


1221 Avenue of the Americas (49th St)

New York, NY 10020


i’ve gotta admit that i’m hooked to right-wing radio like the rest of us. maybe its the collective need for some paternal figure to shake his fist at the neutral news of the day. gives us the illusion of control in a timeline ultimately defined by natural disasters. sort of like how on the ‘700 club’ pat robertson makes (often surprisingly well-informed) commentary after the plastic christian newslady delivers the headlines of the day. robertson’s wife (a dead ringer for a composite golden girl) smiles and nods while looking deeply into his eyes. she’s probably only one of his many wives.

one thing these guys all seem to have in common is a chronic insecurity masked by well-worn alpha rage. i know a thing or two about how this plays out. first thing they do is go out and get themselves an ivy league education. then they use this as a shield of credibility in all future debates…

so a 40-year-old bill o’reilly goes to the “kennedy school of government” so he can use a ‘harvard degree’ for “credibility” as he profits off the commoners…

in 1996, while working for a New Haven-area radio station, Beck was admitted to Yale University through a special program for non-traditional students.

One of his recommendations for admittance came from Senator Joe Lieberman. Beck took one theology class, “Early Christology,” and then dropped out. michael savage constantly harps upon his berkeley phD, admitting that he got the phD in order to use it for blanket credibility when he planned to debate the issues of the day in his later life.

i like glenn beck most of all because he seems like a legitimate fearmongerer. he even manufactured himself a particularly dark past in which his mother committed suicide when he was just a boy.

(glen beck’s aryan’ big brother’ pep talk:)

tape your monologues. they have a certain off-the-cuff charm, but they’ll need tons of polish. Give the audience the appearance of an on-the-fly production, but meticulously rehearse the performance. prepare like Hitler…no holds barred. Make the masses addicted to your monologues.

note the audiences of these guys. the suburbian smalltown alpha males shrug them off. it’s their WIVES that are listening to these guys. that’s the funniest part.

(as the men are off supporting their wives’ spending habits and keeping everyone comfortable, the wives are off listening to these surrogate alpha males let them know who’s looking out for them at all times)

(same principle applies in relation to the suburban housewife’s attraction to ‘religion’)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥