
you've been excused


william f. buckley

(1925 – 2008)

“god and man at yale: the superstitions of ‘academic freedom’”


(written at age 26)

(founded ‘national review’ in 1955)





obama training james brown’s son to sing “say it loud i’m black and i’m proud”

(the boy is totally apathetic)

(born 1945)

“archetypal clueless uppity…”
(to be replaced by ‘benjamin carson’ 4 years later)

(chairman of the ‘federal reserve bank’ of ‘kansas city’)
(1995 – 1996)

(2012 republican presidential candidate)




bob grant

(born 1929)

(real name rob gigante)
(born in illinois)


michael savage

(born 1942)

(real name michael weiner)

(michael savage sees no need for freezers?!?)

(san francisco-based)


(hero of mike pellagatti)

(booted off MSNBC for referring to prank caller as a ‘sodomite’)

(and saying that he should ‘get AIDS and die!’)

(but these outrageous comments are what gains him an audience!)

(he understands this better than anyone!)

(710AM radio show)

(6pm – 8pm)


lou dobbs

Louis Carl “Lou” Dobbs

(born September 24, 1945)

american radio host, former television host, and author. He anchored  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN” \o “CNN” CNN’s  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Dobbs_Tonight” \o “Lou Dobbs Tonight”Lou Dobbs Tonight until November 2009 when he announced on the air he would leave the cable network. HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Dobbs” \l “cite_note-Update:_Lou_Dobbs_to_Quit_CNN-1” [2] HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Dobbs” \l “cite_note-CNN1-2” [3]

He was born in  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas” \o “Texas” Texas and lived there and in  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idaho” \o “Idaho” Idaho during his childhood. After graduating from  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University” \o “Harvard University” Harvard University, Dobbs worked in government and banking before becoming a news reporter for several local media outlets. He worked with  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN” \o “CNN” CNN since it was founded in 1980 and served as a reporter and vice president. He was the host and  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Managing_editor” \o “Managing editor” managing editor for  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN” \o “CNN” CNN’sMoneyline, which premiered in 1980 and was renamed  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lou_Dobbs_Tonight” \o “Lou Dobbs Tonight”Lou Dobbs Tonight in 2003. Dobbs resigned from CNN in 1999, rejoined in 2000, and resigned again in November 2009. He also hosts a syndicated radio show, Lou Dobbs Radio and has written several books since 2001.

Dobbs describes himself as an “independent populist” and is known for his opposition to  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAFTA” \o “NAFTA” NAFTA and support for immigration enforcement. For his reporting, he has won  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmy_Award” \o “Emmy Award” Emmy,  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peabody_Award” \o “Peabody Award” Peabody, and  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_ACE_Awards” \o “Cable ACE Awards” Cable ACE awards.

After Dobbs left CNN in 2009, he gave an interview where he did not rule out the possibility of running for  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_the_United_States” \o “President of the United States” President of the United States in  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_election,_2012” \o “United States presidential election, 2012” 2012, saying the final decision would rest with his wife, although former Senator  HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dean_Barkley” \o “Dean Barkley” Dean Barkley has encouraged Dobbs to run

dobbs also acknowledged, via a spokesperson, that he is also considering a run for the United States Senate in New Jersey in 2012


bill o’reilly

(born 1949)
(irish (obviously))

(‘the o’reilly factor’)

(FOX news channel)

(started in 1996)

bill o’reilly is getting better as a TV host

seems very comfortable improvising

with two pretty female co-hosts

(well when you’re on the air everyday)

(and have an assured simpleton following)


rush limbaugh

(born 1951)


(second wife)

(michelle sexta)

(college student)

(married 1983)

(at age 32)

(divorced 7 years later)

(third wife)

(Clarence Thomas married them)

(kathryn rogers)

(fourth wife)

(elton john played their wedding for $1 million)

(what a dirty little whore!)


greta van susteren

(born 1954)


FOX news “legal expert”

she’s a kooky scientologist


mark levin

(born 1957)

(in pennsylvania)


(radio host)

(nasally voice)


sean hannity

(born 1961)

(new york)

(FOX news host)

(radio host)


“the blowhard ball”

a ballroom featuring pundits from both the “left” and “right”
(set up like a high school dance featuring a boys school + girls school)

wallflower michael savage grumbling in the corner and muttering to himself…

debonaire william buckley approaches william o’reilly…
(who is putting up a macho anti-dancing front by the punch bowl)

“shall we dance?”

they proceed to put on an expert demonstration of brisk ballroom dancing…

(as glenn beck gleefully snaps photos with a goofy grin on his face)
(he continues flicking thumbs-up signs to the two dancers)

meanwhile rush limbaugh and sean hannity are slow dancing in another corner…
(hannity is wearing an “el rushmo” shirt)
(limbaugh dwarfs hannity…who is content to bury his head in limbaugh’s gigantic man tits)

bill maher as the chaperone / MC
he continually mutters to the audience in an exaggerated nasal voice: “really?”
(he proceeds to discovers two rightwing blowhards fondling each other in the men’s room)

mark levin interrupts limbaugh and hannity’s dance…

“may i cut in?”

limbaugh: “why certainly!”

the displaced buckley faggily puts his hands on his hips in a display of mock-indignation

(they proceed to glide across the dance floor in perfect time)

the band is led by mike huckabee and a bunch of aging country musicians
(cue charlie daniels)
(while ted nugent keeps ripping incredibly inappropriate guitar solos)

in the parking lot, al franken is smoking a joint and recounting tales from his SNL days (for the thousandth time) to a gang of burnt-out greying ex-hippies…

“dude…you were on SNL?…you musta done a lot of coke, man…”

franken: “nope, that was actually just one giant myth perpetuated by lorne michaels to make us appear ‘edgy’ to the crass american audiences…”

christopher hitchens
(jewish mother)


michael smerconish

michael smircanich

robert grant:

1 bob grant

louis dobbs:

3 lou dobbs

michael “savage”
(aka “michael weiner”)

4 michael savage (jew)






“the blowhard ball”

a ballroom featuring pundits from both the “left” and “right”
(set up like a high school dance featuring a boys school + girls school)

wallflower michael savage grumbling in the corner and muttering to himself…

debonaire william buckley approaches william o’reilly…
(who is putting up a macho anti-dancing front by the punch bowl)

“shall we dance?”

they proceed to put on an expert demonstration of brisk ballroom dancing…

(as glenn beck gleefully snaps photos with a goofy grin on his face)
(he continues flicking thumbs-up signs to the two dancers)

meanwhile rush limbaugh and sean hannity are slow dancing in another corner…
(hannity is wearing an “el rushmo” shirt)
(limbaugh dwarfs hannity…who is content to bury his head in limbaugh’s gigantic man tits)

bill maher as the chaperone / MC
he continually mutters to the audience in an exaggerated nasal voice: “really?”
(he proceeds to discovers two rightwing blowhards fondling each other in the men’s room)

mark levin interrupts limbaugh and hannity’s dance…

“may i cut in?”

limbaugh: “why certainly!”

the displaced buckley faggily puts his hands on his hips in a display of mock-indignation

(they proceed to glide across the dance floor in perfect time)

the band is led by mike huckabee and a bunch of aging country musicians
(cue charlie daniels)
(while ted nugent keeps ripping incredibly inappropriate guitar solos)

in the parking lot, al franken is smoking a joint and recounting tales from his SNL days (for the thousandth time) to a gang of burnt-out greying ex-hippies…

“dude…you were on SNL?…you musta done a lot of coke, man…”

franken: “nope, that was actually just one giant myth perpetuated by lorne michaels to make us appear ‘edgy’ to the crass american audiences…”

christopher hitchens
(jewish mother)


michael smerconish

michael smircanich

robert grant:

1 bob grant

glenn edward beck:

2 glenn beck

louis dobbs:

3 lou dobbs

michael “savage”
(aka “michael weiner”)

4 michael savage (jew)



👈👈👈☜*“POLITICS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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