-musical scales-


-as of [22 MAY 2024]


(when improvising over a song in a certain key, you can utilize a number of scales)

the most common scale in Cmajor is the diatonic scale (that is the 7 notes C D E F G A B C played over the chord progression)…

this is referred to as the “ionian” mode…

the 7 other common “modes” are simply the diatonic pattern with a different root position…

the “dorian” mode uses the major second as the root:
(key of Dminor)

(D E F G A B C D)

(in other words, simply shift the diatonic scale 2 and a half steps)

the “phyrgian” mode uses the major third as the root:
(key of Eminor)

(E F G A B C D E)

in other words, simply shift the diatonic scale down 3 and a half steps

the “lydian” mode uses the major fourth as the root:
(key of Fmajor)

(F G A B C D E F)

in other words, simply shift the diatonic scale down 2 and a half steps

the “mixolydian” mode uses the major fifth as the root:
(key of Gmajor)

(G A B C D E F G)

in other words, shift diatonic scale down 3 and a half steps

the “aeolian” mode uses the major sixth as the root:
(aka the “natural minor scale”)

(A B C D E F G A)

the “locrian” mode uses the major seventh as the root:
(key of Bdim)

(B C D E F G A B)

(shift the Bmajor scale up one half step)

a “blues scale” consists of a non-diatonic pattern of:

one-and-a-half step
whole step
half step
half step
one-and-a-half step
whole step

so a “Cblues” is:

(C D# F F# G A#)

the diatonic scale can be combined with a blues scale to create a hybrid scale:

(C D D# E F F# G A# B C)

when playing in a minor key, one can alter the scale to create new minor scales:

“harmonic minor”

whole step
half step
whole step
whole step
half step
one and half step
half step

so A harmonic minor scale is:

(A B C D E F G#)

the “melodic minor scale” follows this pattern:

whole step
half step
whole step
whole step
whole step
whole step
half step

so A melodic minor is:

(A B C D E F# G#)

diminished scale:

whole step

half step

whole step

whole step

one and a half step

half step

whole step

half step

(C D D# F G# A B C)








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