
Serbia (orthographic projection).svg


“patriarch irinej”

(serbian: Патријарх Иринеј, patrijarh Irinej)

(born ‘1930’ in vidova, čačak, serbia as ‘miroslav gavrilović’) is the 45th ‘patriarch’ of the ‘serbian orthodox church’, the spiritual leader of ‘eastern orthodox serbs’)

(his full title is ‘his holiness’ the archbishop of Peć / metropolitan of ‘belgrade’ and ‘karlovci’ / serbian patriarch ‘irinej’)

this mean anything to anyone?

(thought not)


(“serbia” (i/ˈsɜːrbiə/, serbian: cрбија / Srbija, IPA: [sř̩bija]), officially the republic of serbia (serbian: pепублика cрбија / republika srbija), is a ‘sovereign state’ situated at the crossroads between ‘central’ and ‘southeast’ europe, covering the ‘southern part’ of the ‘pannonian plain and the ‘central balkans’)

(‘serbia’ is landlocked and borders ‘hungary’ to the north; ‘romania’ and ‘bulgaria’ to the east; ‘macedonia’ to the south; and ‘croatia’, ‘bosnia’, and ‘montenegro’ to the west; it also claims a border with ‘albania’ through the disputed territory of ‘kosovo’)

(the capital of ‘serbia’ is ‘belgrade’ (one of the largest cities in ‘southeast europe’)

(‘serbia’ numbers around ‘7 million residents’)

(following the ‘slavic migrations’ to the ‘balkans’ from the 6th century onwards, ‘serbs’ established several states in the ‘early middle ages’)

(the ‘serbian kingdom’ obtained recognition by ‘rome’ and ‘constantinople’ in ‘1217’; it reached its peak in ‘1346’ as the relatively short-lived ‘serbian empire’)

(by the ‘mid-16th century’, the entire modern-day ‘serbia’ was annexed by the ‘ottomans’, at times interrupted by the ‘habsburg empire’, which started expanding towards ‘central serbia’ since the end of the ’17th century’, while maintaining foothold in ‘northern serbia’)

(in the ‘early 19th century’, the ‘serbian revolution’ established the ‘nation-state’ as the region’s first ‘constitutional monarchy’, which subsequently expanded its territory)

(following disastrous casualties in ‘world war I’, and the subsequent unification of the ‘habsburg crownland’ of ‘vojvodina’ with ‘serbia’, the country co-founded ‘yugoslavia’ with other ‘south slavic’ peoples, which would exist in various political formations until the ‘yugoslav wars of the ‘1990s’, which had devastating effects for the ‘region’)

(as a result, ‘serbia’ formed a union with ‘montenegro’ in ‘1992’, which broke apart in ‘2006’, when ‘serbia’ again became an ‘independent country’)

(in ‘2008’ the parliament of ‘kosovo’ (serbia’s southern province with an ‘albanian ethnic majority’), declared ‘independence’, with mixed responses from the ‘international community’)

(‘serbia’ is a member of the ‘UN’, ‘CoE’, ‘OSCE’, ‘PfP’, ‘BSEC’, and ‘CEFTA’)

(as a ‘membership candidate’, ‘serbia’ is currently negotiating its ‘EU accession’)

(the country is acceding to the ‘WTO’ and is a ‘militarily neutral state’)

(‘serbia’ is an ‘upper-middle income economy’ with a dominant ‘service sector’, followed by the ‘industrial sector’ and ‘agriculture’)

(the country ranks high in “social progress index” (45th) as well as “global peace index” (46th), relatively high in “human development index” (66th) and an ‘economically moderately free country’ (77th))


(*explanation of ‘wiki title image’*)


































👈👈👈 ☜ *“EASTERN EUROPE″*☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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