
-as of [20 SEPTEMBER 2024]








“vibrating air molecules”


*in ‘physics’, sound is a ‘vibration’ that ‘propagates’ as a typically audible ‘mechanical wave’ of ‘pressure’ + ‘displacement’, through a ‘medium’ such as ‘air’ or ‘water’*


*range of ‘human hearing’* –>

’20 hertz’ – ‘20,000 hertz’

[1 ‘kilo-hertz’ = 1000 ‘hertz’]


(in terms of ‘loudness’ rather than ‘pitch’…)


(any sound over ’85 decibels’ will damage the ear)



(in ‘physiology’ + ‘psychology’, ‘sound’ is the reception of such ‘waves’ and their perception by the ‘brain’)

(‘sound’ can propagate through a medium such as ‘air’, ‘water’, and ‘solids’ as ‘longitudinal waves’ and also as a ‘transverse wave’ in ‘solids’ (‘longitudinal’ and ‘transverse’ waves))

(the ‘sound waves’ are generated by a ‘sound source’, such as the ‘vibrating diaphragm’ of a ‘stereo speaker’)

(the ‘sound source’ creates ‘vibrations’ in the surrounding ‘medium’)

(as the ‘source’ continues to vibrate the ‘medium’, the ‘vibrations’ propagate away from the ‘source’ at the ‘speed of sound’, thus forming the ‘sound wave’)

(at a ‘fixed distance’ from the ‘source’, the ‘pressure’, ‘velocity’, and ‘displacement’ of the ‘medium’ vary in ‘time’)

(at an instant in ‘time’, the [‘pressure’ / ‘velocity’ / ‘displacement’] vary in ‘space’)

(note that the ‘particles’ of the medium do not travel with the ‘sound wave’)

(this is intuitively obvious for a ‘solid’, and the same is true for ‘liquids’ and ‘gases’ (that is, the vibrations of particles in the ‘gas’ or ‘liquid’ transport the ‘vibrations’, while the average position of the particles over time does not change))

(during ‘propagation’, waves can be ‘reflected’, ‘refracted’, or ‘attenuated’ by the ‘medium’)

(‘formants’ are defined by “gunnar fant” as ‘the spectral peaks of the sound spectrum |P(f)|’ of the ‘voice’)

(‘formant ‘is also used to mean an acoustic resonance, and, in speech science and phonetics, a resonance of the ‘human vocal tract’)

(it is often measured as an amplitude peak in the frequency spectrum of the sound, using a spectrogram (in the figure) or a spectrum analyzer, though in vowels spoken with a high fundamental frequency, as in a female or child voice, the frequency of the resonance may lie between the widely-spread harmonics and hence no peak is ‘visible’)

(in ‘acoustics’, it refers to a peak in the sound envelope and/or to a resonance in sound sources, notably musical instruments, as well as that of ‘sound chambers’)


(however, it is equally valid to talk about the ‘formant frequencies’ of a room, as exploited, for example, by ‘alvin lucier’ in his piece “i am sitting in a room”)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“MUSIC”*













🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. sensory system | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. transverse waves | *JoGa Jungle*
  3. “sound recording” | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “voice” | *JoGa Jungle*

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