*sub-atomic particles*









[in the ‘physical sciences’, sub-atomic particles are particles (much?) smaller than ‘atoms’]


(there are 2 types of ‘sub-atomic particles’…)

‘elementary particles’
(which (according to current theories) are not made of other ‘particles’)


‘composite particles’


(‘particle physics’ + ‘nuclear physics’ study these ‘particles’ and how they ‘interact’)

(in ‘particle physics’, the concept of a ‘particle’ is one of several concepts inherited from ‘classical physics’)

(but it also reflects the ‘modern understanding’ that at the *quantum scale*, ‘matter’ + ‘energy’ behave very differently from what much of ‘everyday experience’ would lead us to ‘expect’)

(the idea of a ‘particle’ underwent ‘serious rethinking’ when experiments showed that ‘light’ could behave like a ‘stream of particles’ (called ‘photons’) as well as exhibit ‘wave-like properties’)

(this led to the new concept of ‘wave–particle duality’ to reflect that quantum-scale “particles” behave like both ‘particles’ + ‘waves’ (also known as ‘wavicles’))

(another new concept – the ‘uncertainty principle’ – states that some of their properties taken together, such as their simultaneous ‘position’ + ‘momentum’, cannot be measured ‘exactly’)

(in more recent times, ‘wave–particle duality’ has been shown to apply not only to ‘photons’ but to increasingly massive ‘particles’ as well)

(‘interactions’ of ‘particles’ in the framework of ‘quantum field theory’ are understood as ’creation’ + ‘annihilation’ of quanta of corresponding ‘fundamental interactions’)



(this blends ‘particle physics’ with ‘field theory’)






👈👈👈 ☜ *“ATOMS”*☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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