-as of [4 MAY 2024]–
-“scalable vector graphics” is an ‘XML-based vector image format” for ‘2-dimensional graphics’ with support for ‘interactivity’ + ‘animation’-
(the ‘SVG’ specification’ is an ‘open standard’ developed by the ‘world wide web consortium” (aka ‘W3C’) since ‘1999’)
(‘SVG images’ + their ‘behaviors’ are defined in ‘XML text files’)
(this means that they can be…)
(like ‘XML files’, ‘SVG images’ can be ‘created’ + ‘edited’ with any ‘text editor’, but are more often created with ‘drawing software’)
(all major modern ‘web browsers’—including ‘mozilla firefox’ / ‘internet explorer’ / ‘google chrome’ / ‘opera’ / ‘safari’ / ‘microsoft edge’ – have at least some degree of ‘SVG rendering support’)
(cannot be uploaded to ‘wordpress’)
(usually available on ‘wikicommons’ when you choose another ‘resolution’)
hit (‘control’ / ‘save’) and its (she’s) all yours!’
👈👈👈☜*-IMAGE FILE FORMATS-* ☞ 👉👉👉
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥