tax day 2011

in 2011, i owed the IRS even more money due to unemployment benefits collected in 2010…$1617.59…i was unable to pay this in april 2011…so i worked out a deal with an IRS agent and he gave me until august 19th to pay the bill (he seemed to want a written confirmation that i’d pay the bill for legal purposes)…

“retroactive randomness”

the IRS kept me on hold for almost an hour…so i decided to go for a run (to the sounds of elevator music)…i ran several miles before i was able to get in touch with an agent…

i debated whether or not i should have even paid them off…at the time, i was also fighting an OUI charge in massachusetts and i knew this would drain my bank account even further…

(i mailed the check (paid for by my parents) on august 9th)

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