







-a ‘singularity’ is a ‘point’ at which an otherwise continuous mathematical progression becomes ‘infinite’, implying that all continuous extrapolation breaks down beyond that ‘point’


(‘technological singularity’ refers to the ‘hypothesis’ that ‘technological progress’ will reach such an ‘infinite’ (or ‘extremely high’) value at a ‘point’ in the ‘near future’)  

(this idea is inspired by the observation of ‘accelerating change’ in the development of [‘wealth’, ‘technology’, + humans’ capability for ‘information processing’. extrapolating these capabilities to the future has led a number of thinkers to envisage the ‘short-term emergence’ of a ‘self-improving artificial intelligence’ (or ‘super-intelligence’) that is so much beyond humans’ present capabilities that it becomes impossible to understand it with present conceptions)

(alternatively it is suggested that a singularity could come about through amplification of ‘human intelligence’ to the point that the resulting ‘trans-humans’ would be incomprehensible to their ‘purely biological counterparts’)

(the ‘technological singularity’ is posited as a ‘meta-system transition’ (or ‘transcendence’) to a wholly new regime of (‘mind’ / ‘society’ / ‘technology’))


(the technological singularity is a ‘hypothetical event in which an ‘upgradable intelligent agent’ (such as a computer running ‘software-based artificial general intelligence’) enters a ‘runaway reaction’ of ‘self-improvement cycles’, with each new (+ ‘more intelligent’) generation appearing more + more rapidly, causing an ‘intelligence explosion’ + resulting in a ‘powerful super-intelligence’ whose ‘cognitive abilities’ could be – qualitatively – as far above humans’ as ‘human intelligence’ is above ‘ape intelligence’)

(more broadly, the term has historically been used for any form of accelerating or ‘exponential technological progress’ hypothesized to result in a discontinuity, beyond which events may become unpredictable or even unfathomable to ‘human intelligence’)

(historically, the first documented use of the term “singularity” in a ‘technological context’ was by ‘stanislaw ulam’ in his 1958 obituary for ‘john von neumann’, in which he mentioned a conversation with ‘von neumann’ about the ‘ever-accelerating progress’ of ‘technology’ + ‘changes’ in the mode of ‘human life’, which gives the appearance of approaching some ‘essential singularity’ in the history of the race beyond which ‘human affairs’, as we know them, could not continue”)

(the term “technological singularity” was popularized by (‘mathematician’ / ‘computer scientist’ / ‘science fiction author’) vernor vinge, who argues that ‘artificial intelligence’, ‘human biological enhancement’, or ‘brain–computer interfaces’ could be possible causes of the ‘singularity’)

(while some ‘futurists’ (such as ‘ray kurzweil’ maintain that ‘human-computer fusion’ (or ‘cyborgization’) is a plausible path to the ‘singularity’, most ‘academic scholarship’ focuses on ‘software-only intelligence’ as a ‘more likely’ path’)


(in ‘2012’, a study of ‘artificial general intelligence’ (AGI) predictions by both ‘experts’ + ‘non-experts’ found a wide range of ‘predicted dates’…)

(…with a ‘median value’ of ‘2040’)

(discussing the level of uncertainty in ‘AGI estimates’, study co-author ‘stuart armstrong’ stated: “my current 80% estimate is something like ‘5 years’ – ‘100 years’)


(‘kurzweil’ predicts the ‘singularity’ to occur around ‘2045’ whereas ‘vinge’ has predicted some time before ‘2030’)


“technological singularity day”


*a ‘singularity’ is a ‘point’ at which an ‘otherwise continuous mathematical progression’ becomes ‘infinite’, implying that all continuous ‘extra-polation’ breaks down beyond that ‘point’-


technological singularity refers to the hypothesis that technological progress will reach such an infinite or extremely high value at a point in the near future.  

this idea is inspired by the observation of accelerating change in the development of wealth, technology, and humans’ capability for information processing.

extrapolating these capabilities to the future has led a number of thinkers to envisage the short-term emergence of a self-improving artificial intelligence or superintelligence that is so much beyond humans’ present capabilities that it becomes impossible to understand it with present conceptions.

Alternatively it is suggested that a singularity could come about through amplification of human intelligence to the point that the resulting transhumans would be incomprehensible to their purely biological counterparts.

The technological singularity is posited as a meta-system transition or transcendence to a wholly new regime of mind, society and technology.


in the future the chosen ones will be celebrating their ‘singularity day’ in lieu of a birthday.

the day when one realizes that the forces aligned against you are imaginary and that the possibilities are actually infinite.

and subsequently when one perpetually strives for self-improvement.

mark your calendar and seize the day, brothers and sisters!








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πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯*we won the war* πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯