(the ‘goths’ were an ‘east germanic’ people, 2 of whose branches (the ‘visigoths’ + the ‘ostrogoths’) played an important role in the fall of the ‘western roman empire’ + the emergence of ‘medieval europe’)
(the ‘Goths’ dominated a vast area, which at its peak under the Germanic king ‘Ermanaric’ and his sub-king ‘Athanaric’ possibly extended all the way from the ‘Danube’ to the ‘Don’, and from the ‘Black Sea’ to the ‘Baltic Sea’)
(the ‘goths’ spoke the ‘gothic’ language, 1 of the extinct ‘eastern germanic’ languages, last spoken in ‘crimea’ in the 1700s by the ‘crimean goths’ (the [‘least-powerful’ / ‘least-known’ / (and almost paradoxically) the ‘longest-lasting’] of the ‘gothic communities’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥