the last drop (lyrics)

(aka “whirlpool”)


“oh man i hated rick danko!  rick dank STAAAAANK!!!”
(says an always-overacting al pacino)

(F# F#sus4) x 4


(F# F#sus4) x 4



do you duly deserve this?

knowing the whole world’s watching…
watching every move that you make

do you duly deserve this?

knowing my heart’s about to break

under the surface…
letting our thoughts collect the way they always do

do you duly deserve this?
(it should/oughta be me instead of you)

a jealous war will follow
after every victory

oh when the north wind’s blowing

lord i know where i go
where we go when no one else is singing along…

hoping that no one noticed…
nobody gonna ever notice

everybody but me…

nobody’s ever gonna stop us…

o baba no…

flowing quite naturally…

nobody’s ever gonna stop me…

lord but your loyal servant…

oh by the look of you…

all of the ghosts and holy horrors…

did you observe this?
where i go when no one else is singing along

(i’m only speaking the fundamental truth)

do you ever get nervous?
til the break of dawn

lordy go where the cold wind blows…
(and then throw it all away…)

did you observe this?

god willing

under the surface…
where you can be me and we can be with you…

i’m glad that finally somebody sees the truth…

how do we observe this?

observing our nervous neighbors everyday…

do we really deserve this?

until it all gets blown away…

we’ve already blown it all away…

are we serving a purpose?
(or merely friendly reminders of what could be)
(“you see what happened to me”)
(“see what had happened to me”)
(“this wouldn’t have happened if…”)

(where the gold never goes)
(the price you must pay)

(don’t go where the cold wind blows…)

(well whatever she said still remains untrue…)

(’til you’re totally perfect’)

(head to the terminal gate)

(don’t you ever get nervous?)

(my little lord’s

(and ever

(when you’re busy composing)
(and everybody’s singing along)

(til you’re terminal day

(and it’s better than nothing)

(o when the north wind’s blowing)

(yea you’d better do right…)

(nobody knows


(o but now she’s

(yea i know where i’m going)

til we’re contractually bound)
(to a body that’s bigger than me)
(thinks quicker than me)

(now you’re taking me literally)

(and it all feels still the same…)

where the cold wind’s blowing and we’re throwing it all away…

and everybody’s playing

by the sound of your voice…

now that there’s nobody watching…

it was programmed to…

her plans will all blow up tomorrow

sitting on a singular throne…

no we are never knowing…


while had rattled my brain…


(act) naturally…


(washing everybody away…) x 3

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  1. the last drop | *JoGa Jungle*

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