-the republic-*the socratic dialogue*

File:Politeia beginning. Codex Parisinus graecus 1807.jpg
(oldest known manuscript of ‘the republic’)

(from ‘the 800s’)

(currently stored at the ‘paris national library’)


-as of [19 APRIL 2024]


*greek* –>



*latin* –>

de re publica


*’the republic’ is a ‘socratic dialogue’*


*written by ‘plato’ ~380 BCE*


(concerned with…)

*the definition of ‘justice’*


*the ‘order’ + ‘character’ of the ‘just city-state’*


*the ‘just man’*



(for this reason, ancient readers used the name on justice as an ‘alternative title’)


(not to be confused with the ‘spurious dialogue’ also titled “on justice”)


(the ‘dramatic date’ of the ‘dialogue’ has been much debated and though it might have taken place some time during the ‘peloponnesian war’, “there would be jarring ‘anachronisms’ if any of the ‘candidate-specific dates’ between ‘432’ – ‘404’ were assigned”)


(plato’s best-known work, it has proven to be one of the world’s most influential works of ‘philosophy’ and ‘political theory’, both ‘intellectually’ and ‘historically’)


(in it, ‘socrates’ (along with various ‘athenians’ + ‘foreigners’) discuss the meaning of ‘justice’ and examine whether or not the ‘just man’ is happier than the ‘unjust man’ by considering a series of different ‘cities’ coming into existence in speech, culminating in a city called ‘kallipolis’ (Καλλίπολις), which is ruled by ‘philosopher-kings’; / and by examining the ‘nature’ of existing ‘regimes’)


(the participants also discuss…)

*the theory of ‘forms’*


*the ‘immortality’ of the ‘soul’*


*the ‘roles’ of the ‘philosopher’ + of ‘poetry’ in ‘society’*



(“classical antiquity” in greece is preceded by the ‘greek dark ages (c. 1200 – c. 800 BC), archaeologically characterized by the protogeometric and geometric styles of designs on ‘pottery’)


(this period is succeeded, around the ‘8th century BC’ (?), by the ‘orientalizing period’ during which they were culturally impacted by..)

‘the syro-hittites’

‘the assyrians’

‘the phoenicians’

‘the egyptian’


(their cultural impact becomes apparent during this ‘period’)



(‘classical antiquity’ in the ‘mediterranean region’ is commonly considered to have begun in the ‘700s BCE’)

(right around the dates of the earliest recorded poetry of ‘homer’)

(‘classical antiquity’ ended in ‘the 600s’)

(the ‘western roman empire’ fell in ‘476 BCE’)


(traditionally, the ‘archaic period’ of ‘ancient greece’ is considered to begin with ‘orientalizing’ influence, which among other things brought the ‘alphabetic script’ to ‘greece, marking the beginning of ‘greek literature’ with works by ‘homer’ + ‘hesiod’)

(the end of the ‘dark ages’ is also frequently dated to ‘776 BC’, the year of the first ‘olympic games’)

(the ‘archaic period’ gives way to the ‘classical period’ around ‘500 BCE’)


(…in turn succeeded by the ‘hellenistic period’ at the death of ‘alexander the great’ in ‘323 BCE’)










👈👈👈☜*-PLATO-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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