the same (lyrics)

you got so close…
when’d you get so crazy?

dooby dooby debonair…
now i double dare you…

dooby dooby debonair…
just to prove a point…

with the cocaine gravy…

and it’s all a show…
sniff it up like cocaine baby…


“and mother nature’s still the same…”


“it’s nothing personal you see…”


“oh woe is you…oh woe is me…”


“we think your songs all sound the same…”

give you a reason to live…
providing someone to blame…


“but mother nature’s still the same…”

“we want the man behind the mask…”

dooby dooby debonair…


now what’s for dinner?


you really picked a winner…


watch out for those homemade cracks…

one we’d give the world…
now you’re gonna hafta give it back…
and cut some slack…

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  1. the same | *JoGa Jungle*

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