“the human touch”

*the somato-sensory system is a complex ‘sensory system’*


*it is a system of ‘nerve cells’ that respond to changes to the ‘surface’ or ‘internal state’ of the ‘body’*


(it is made up of a number of different ‘sensory receptors’, including… )






(these ‘nerve cells’ send signals along a chain of ‘nerve cells’ to the ‘spinal cord’ where they may be processed by other ‘nerve cells’ and then relayed to the ‘brain’ for further ‘processing’)


(‘sensory receptors’ are found in many parts of the ‘human body’ including…)


‘epithelial tissues’

‘skeletal muscles’

‘bones’ + ‘joints’

‘internal organs’

‘the cardiovascular system’



(‘somatic senses’ are sometimes referred to as somesthetic senses, with the understanding that ‘somesthesis’ includes…)



‘haptic perception’

(…depending on usage)



(the ‘mapping’ of the ‘body surfaces’ in the ‘brain’ is called a “homunculus” and plays a fundamental role in the creation of ‘body image’)


(this brain-surface (‘cortical’) map is not ‘immutable’…)

(…although “dramatic shifts” can occur in response to ‘stroke’ or ‘injury’)






👈👈👈☜*“SENSORY SYSTEMS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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