valentine’s day 2015

(stayed in bed until 2pm)

not feeling any withdrawals (yet) after downing the pint of vodka last night…spent $2 on a can of iced tea and can of fruit punch from motel vending machine…walked in the snow to CVS / library…mistakenly left message for cheryl (trying to leave message on aaron’s phone looking for gandharva)…now i’m downing coffees + energy drinks @ the library…$60 left on foodstamps card…getting likes from gandharva and jesse neadle for the “katerina” video…want to go to gandharva’s pad and get stoned…or better yet he can get grass from his brother and bring it over to the motel room for brainstorming session…as i knew he would, andrew revealed his weakness to me…he doesn’t want to move to san francisco without us…his alleged “backers” are allegedly going to pay his rent…then why not have them pay for us as well?…

gonna have nasty shits today…gotta load up on more food…what will this coming week bring…michael anthony turns 29 in two wednesdays…

so i put in my two hours @ the library computer…got back to the room fired up on monsters…jotted down some more song lyrics…then pigged out on four beef jerky / string cheeses / 2 ham + cheese hot pockets and started napping again…

gonzalez called me @ 8pm…he was starving…he came over and i gave him two hot pockets + 2 monsters…he gave me a few cigarettes…then we went back to his house and smoked a joint…went back to the room and i cleaned up my act…now i’m missing the pack of acoustic guitar strings from thursday afternoon…searched the entire room (multiple times) to no avail…either i threw them out by accident or gonzalez took them…in either case, my livelihood depends on them…went back to his house (driving in the dangerous snowstorm) and smoked another joint…then he left @ 2am…i got horny + hungry…watched may december porn then ate some chili sandwiches (and vegetables chips)…my teeth were stinging from the monsters…

(then i got a great night’s sleep)

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