-the wayback machine-

Stylized text saying: "INTERNET ARCHIVE WAYBACK MACHINE". The text is in black, except for "WAYBACK", which is in red.


-as of [5 APRIL 2024]






-the wayback machine is a ‘digital archive’ of the ‘world wide web’ + other information on the ‘internet’ created by the ‘internet archive’ – a ‘non-profit organization’ – based in [‘san francisco’ / ‘california’ / ‘united states’]-


(the ‘internet archive’ launched the ‘wayback machine’ in ‘october 2001’)

(it was set up by ‘brewster kahle’ + ‘bruce gilliat’, and is maintained with content from ‘alexa internet’)

(the service enables users to see archived versions of ‘web pages’ across time, which the archive calls a ‘3-dimensional index’)



(does this mean that un-edited portions of my ‘wordpress account’ can be accessed?)



(since 1996, they have been archiving ‘cached pages’ of ‘web sites’ onto their large cluster of ‘linux nodes’)

(they re-visit sites every few weeks/months and archive a new version if the content has changed)

(sites can also be captured ‘on the fly’ by visitors who are offered a link to do so)


(the intent is to capture/archive content that otherwise would be lost whenever a site is changed or closed down)


(their grand vision is to archive the entire ‘internet’)


(the name wayback machine was chosen as a droll reference to a ‘plot device’ in an animated cartoon series ‘the rocky + bullwinkle show’)


(in one of the animated cartoon’s component segments – peabody’s improbable history – lead characters ‘mister peabody’ + ‘sherman’ routinely used a ‘time machine’ called the “WABAC machine” (pronounced way-back) to [‘witness’ / ‘participate in’ / (and, more often than not) ‘alter’] famous events in history)








👈👈👈☜*-WEBSITES-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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