“wen tianxiang”

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(“Wen Tianxiang” (Chinese: 文天祥; pinyin: Wén Tiānxiáng; Cantonese Yale: Man Tin Cheung; June 6, 1236 – January 9, 1283 AD), ‘Duke of Xinguo’, was a scholar-general in the last years of the “Southern Song Dynasty”)

(for his resistance to Kublai Khan’s invasion of the “Song”, and for his refusal to yield to the “Yuan Dynasty” despite being captured and tortured, he is a popular symbol of patriotism and righteousness in ‘China’)

(he is considered 1 of 3 of the Song’s last heroes, alongside ‘Lu Xiufu’ and ‘Zhang Shijie’)

(his symbolic role can be seen from the following fact of 1908: in Wen Tianxiang’s historical shrine in Haifeng ‘Chen Jiongming’ persuaded over 30 young men of the village to swear secret support for a ‘national revolution’)


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