-as of [28 AUGUST 2024]–
Wi-Fi –> “wireless fidelity”
WPA –> “wi-fi protected access”
*AKA* –>
(my preferred spelling)

(depiction of a device sending information ‘wirelessly’ to another ‘device’, both connected to the ‘local network’, in order to print a ‘document’)
*”wi-fi” is a ‘technology’ for ‘wireless local area networking’ with ‘devices’ based on the “IEEE 802.11 standards”*
(“Wi-Fi” is a trademark of the “wi-fi alliance”, which restricts the use of the term Wi-Fi Certified to products that successfully complete ‘inter-operability certification testing’)
(‘devices’ that can use ‘Wi-Fi technology’ include…)
‘personal computers’
‘video-game consoles’
‘digital cameras’
‘tablet computers’
‘smart TVs’
‘digital audio players’
‘modern printers’
(‘Wi-Fi’ compatible devices can connect to the ‘internet’ via a ‘WLAN’ and a ‘wireless access point’)
(‘hotspot coverage’ can be as small as a single room with walls that block ‘radio waves’)
(…or as large as many square kilometres achieved by using multiple overlapping ‘access points’)
(such an ‘access point’ (or ‘hotspot’) has a ‘range’ of about ’20 meters’ (or ’66 feet’) ‘indoors’ and a greater range ‘outdoors’)
(‘Wi-Fi’ most commonly uses the ‘2.4 gigahertz’ (12 cm) UHF and ‘5 gigahertz’ (6 cm) SHF ISM radio bands)
(having no ‘physical connections’, it is more vulnerable to ‘attack’ than ‘wired connections’ (such as ‘ethernet’))
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥