*william gates*





(’14 march 2018′)

(‘age 62’)

(w / “alex azar”)
(‘US secretary of ‘health’ + ‘human services'”)
(appointed by ‘president donald trump’ on ’13 november 2017′)






*”modern marvels”*

(as of ’26 september 2018′)

(born ’28 october 1955′)


(a ‘gentile geek’)

(‘harvard dropout’)

(co-founded ‘microsoft’ with ‘paul allen’)


($72 billion net worth)


(“william henry “bill” gates III” is an american ‘business magnate’, ‘entrepreneur’, ‘philanthropist’, ‘investor’, and ‘programmer’)

(in ‘1975’, ‘gates’ and ‘paul allen’ co-founded ‘microsoft’, which became the “world’s largest PC software company”)

(during his career at ‘microsoft’, ‘gates’ held the positions of ‘chairman’, ‘CEO’, and ‘chief software architect’, and was the ‘largest individual shareholder’ until ‘may 2014’)

(‘gates’ has ‘authored’ and ‘co-authored’ several ‘books’)

(starting in ‘1987’, ‘gates’ was included in the “forbes ‘list of the world’s wealthiest people'” and was ‘the wealthiest person’ from ‘1995’ to ‘2007’, again in ‘2009’, and has been since ‘2014’)

(between ‘2009’ and ‘2014’, his wealth doubled from ‘US $40 billion’ to more than ‘US $82 billion’)

(between ‘2013’ and ‘2014’, his wealth increased by ‘US $15 billion’)

(‘gates’ is currently the ‘wealthiest person in the world’ with a net worth of ‘US $76.4 billion’)

(‘gates’ is one of the best-known ‘entrepreneurs’ of the ‘personal computer revolution’)

(‘gates’ has been criticized for his ‘business tactics’, which have been considered ‘anti-competitive’, an opinion that has in some cases been upheld by numerous ‘court rulings’)

(later in his career, ‘gates’ pursued a number of ‘philanthropic endeavors’, donating large amounts of money to various ‘charitable organizations’ and ‘scientific research programs’ through the “‘bill’ & ‘melinda gates’ foundation”, established in ‘2000’)

(‘gates’ stepped down as ‘chief executive officer’ of ‘microsoft’ in ‘january 2000’)

(he remained as ‘chairman’ and created the position of ‘chief software architect’ for himself)

(in ‘june 2006’, ‘gates’ announced that he would be transitioning from ‘full-time work’ at ‘microsoft’ to ‘part-time work’, and ‘full-time work’ at the ”bill’ & ‘melinda gates’ foundation”)

(he gradually transferred his duties to ‘ray ozzie’ (microsoft’s ‘chief software architect’) and ‘craig mundie’ (microsoft’s ‘chief research and strategy officer’))

(‘ozzie’ later left the company)

(gates’s last ‘full-time day’ at ‘microsoft’ was ’27 june 2008′)


(he stepped down as ‘chairman of microsoft’ in ‘february 2014’, taking on a new post as ‘technology adviser’ to support newly appointed CEO ‘satya nadella’)






👈👈👈☜*“INVENTORS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  3. “famous williams” (the living) | *JoGa Jungle*
  4. “world’s richest man” | *JoGa Jungle*

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