(as of ’10 january 2017′)
(we prefer “moviemaker” (or “movie-maker”) spelling over “movie maker”)
(born ’14 september 2000′)
(its ‘initial release’)
(included for all ‘windows users’?)
(or did it vary by computer manufacturer?)
(survived for over ’16 years’)
(in ‘gradually improved versions’?)
(replaced by ‘microsoft story remix’)
(‘better’ version?)
(which is built into ‘microsoft photos’ in ‘windows 10’)
(“windows movie maker” (formerly known as windows live movie maker in “windows 7”) is a discontinued video editing software by ‘microsoft’)
(it is a part of the “‘windows essentials’ software suite” and offers the ability to ‘create’ and ‘edit’ videos as well as to publish them on “onedrive”, “facebook”, “vimeo”, “youtube”, and “flickr”)
(“movie maker” was officially discontinued in “10 january 2017” and it will be replaced by windows story remix in ‘fall 2017’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥