(‘yogya’ –> “suitable, fit, proper”)
karta, “prosperous, flourishing”
(ie “a city that is fit to prosper”)
*AKA* –>
(“yogyakarta” is a ‘city’ + the ‘capital’ of ‘yogyakarta special region’ in ‘java’ / ‘indonesia’)
(it is renowned as a center of…)
(kota pelajar)
*classical javanese ‘fine art’ * ‘culture’ / such as…*
‘puppet shows’
“puppet shows?”
(‘yogyakarta’ was the ‘indonesian capital’ during the ‘indonesian national revolution’ from ‘1945’ to ‘1949’, with ‘gedung agung’ as the ‘president’s office’)
(one of the districts in ‘yogyakarta’ / ‘kotagede’, was the capital of the ‘mataram sultanate’ between ‘1575’ + ‘1640’)
(the ‘city’ is named after the indian city of ‘ayodhya’ from the ‘ramayana epic’)
(its population was ‘388,627 inhabitants’ at the ‘2010 census’ and its built-up (or metro) area was home to, ‘4,010,436 inhabitants’ spread on 2 cities (yogyakarta and magelang) and 65 ‘districts’ spread on ‘sleman’, ‘klaten’, ‘bantul’, ‘kulon progo’, and ‘magelang regencies’)
(while ‘urbanization’ sprawls, ‘yogyakarta-magelang’ + ‘surakarta’ are being ‘agglomerated’ in a few years)
(the ‘dutch’ name of the city is “djokjakarta”)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥