-as of [28 DECEMBER 2023]–
(…a dee doo da!)
(“camptown faces”)
(steven foster)
(al jolson)
(“uncle remus”)
(“brer rabbit”)
*ZIP is an [archive file format] that supports [lossless data compression]*
*.ZIP is NOT an acronym*
(it is a reference to ‘traveling at high speed’)
(a .ZIP file may contain 1 or more ‘files’ or ‘directories’ that may have been ‘compressed’)
(the .ZIP file format permits a number of ‘compression algorithms’, though ‘DEFLATE’ is the most common)
(this format was originally created in 1989 by ‘phil katz’, and was first implemented in ‘PKWARE INCORPORATED‘s PKZIP utility, as a replacement for the previous ‘ARCcompression’ format by ‘thom henderson’)
(the .ZIP format is now supported by many ‘software utilities’ other than ‘PKZIP’)
(‘microsoft’ has included built-in .ZIP support (under the name “compressed folders”) in versions of ‘microsoft windows’ since ‘1998’)
(‘apple’ has included built-in .ZIP support since release of ‘mac OS X 10.3’ via ‘BOMArchiveHelper’ (now called ‘archive utility’))
(most ‘free operating systems’ have built-in .ZIP support in similar manners to ‘windows’ + ‘mac OS X’)
(.ZIP files generally use the file extensions “.zip” or “.ZIP” and the MIMEmedia type application/zip
(‘ZIP’ is used as a ‘base file format’ by many ‘programs’, usually under a different name)
(when navigating a ‘file system’ via a ‘user interface’, ‘graphical icons’ representing .ZIP files often appear as a ‘document’ or other object prominently featuring a ‘zipper’)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥