“1 july 2015”


(why am i always losing tuners?)

left the tuner in new hope.  i need new guitar strings anyway.  more money coming out of my monthly $98 check.  i’ll pick them up @ guitar center when i hit NYC.

didn’t accomplish anything during yesterday’s robotrip…after john left (around midnight) i decided to eat (refried beans / bagel / croutons) and hit the sack…didn’t wake up until 11:30am…got some cigarillos + cigarettes left…dragged my ass to mercer county library…saw that the next 606 bus was leaving @ 12:48pm…so i decided to run down darrah lane and try to catch it…saw it drive by (again)…waited until the 1:22pm bus (which was 10 minutes late of course)…should’ve gotten off at the library place stop (to minimize walking time)…homefries called me…

still coughing from post-nasal drip…saw “e” on the way to monument hall…i initiated the hug…she works @ a crepes store (a secret second job) and was heading to meet her friend andrew at the princeton record exchange…i got an iced coffee at starbucks…now i’m at the princeton public library…

now what?…i want to get stoned BY MYSELF and work on video/audio editing…

(but i should be heading back to NYC)