“22 june 2015”

(john gave me two american spirit (light blues) last night before dropping me off)

but i couldn’t get motivated…so i stayed in bed and listened to youtube videos on the flip phone…at least now i’ve got a plastic cup (from arv’s pad) to drink water from the sink…for the past few days all i had was a large grape juice bottle that didn’t fit under the sink…so i had to drink water from the shower…it was a pain in the ass to fill the bottle…or i could cup my hands under the sink like a total savage…

running out of food again…have to pick out tiny pieces of vertebrae from the atlantic salmon cans…and i leave it out overnight…but the salmon bones are apparently edible…

uncomfortable dreams last night…and the voice is still fucked…and the finger still hurts…was it from all the beer on saturday?…i even pushed arv to the limit saturday night when i went for a sam adams from the basement…

missed the deadline for the “persona non grata” release…but no one is listening anyway….for some reason i can’t cut + paste the audio files and move them to the beginning of the audio project…it’s not a crucial matter but i prefer working in this matter for my own mental clarity…

so i continued to sleep in the room…i called cheryl at 8am…

now i’m at the mercer county library in the afternoon…with my acoustic guitar + carryon case…next stop: arv’s pad…again?…

(he’s gonna get sick of me real soon)


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  1. “june 22nd” (my years on earth) | *JoGa Jungle*

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