"the abbasid caliphate"


اَلْخِلَافَةُ ٱلْعَبَّاسِيَّةُ
al-Khilāfah al-ʿAbbāsīyah


*ruled for 764 years*

(average reign of ‘14.15 years’)


(750 – 1258)

*508 YEARS*

(average reign of ‘13.73 years’)


(1261 – 1517)

*256 YEARS*

(average reign of ‘15.06 years’)




(750 – 754)
(1st abbasid caliph)



(796 – 842)
(8th abbasid caliph)



(908 – 929)
(18th abbasid caliph)



(1213 – 1258)
(37th abbasid caliph)





(/əˈbæsᵻd/ or /ˈæbəsᵻd/ arabic: الخلافة العباسية‎‎ al-Khilāfah al-‘Abbāsīyah)


*the abbasid caliphate was the 3rd of the ‘islamic caliphates’ to succeed the islamic prophet ‘muhammad’*


(the ‘abbasid dynasty’ descended from muhammad’s youngest uncle (‘Al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib’ (566 CE – 653 CE)) from whom the dynasty takes its name)

(they ruled as ‘caliphs’, for most of their period from their capital in ‘baghdad’ in modern-day ‘iraq’, after assuming authority over the ‘muslim empire’ from the ‘umayyads’ in ‘750 CE’ (or ‘132 AH’))

(the ‘abbasid caliphate’ first centered its government in ‘kufa’, but in ‘762’ the caliph ‘Al-Mansur’ founded the city of ‘baghdad’, north of the ‘sasanian’ capital city of ‘ctesiphon’)

(the choice of a capital so close to ‘persia proper’ reflected a growing reliance on ‘persian bureaucrats’ (most notably of the ‘barmakid family’) to govern the territories conquered by ‘arab muslims’, as well as an increasing inclusion of ‘non-arab muslims’ in the ‘ummah’)

(‘persianate customs’ were broadly adopted by the ‘abbasid ruling elite’)

(despite this initial cooperation, the ‘abbasids’ of the late 8th century had alienated both arab mawali and ‘iranian bureaucrats’, and were forced to cede authority over ‘Al-Andalus’ and ‘Maghreb’ to the ‘Umayyads’, ‘Morocco’ to the ‘Idrisid dynasty’, ‘Ifriqiya’ to the ‘Aghlabids’, and ‘Egypt’ to the ‘Shi’ite Caliphate’ of the ‘fatimids’)

(the political power of the ‘caliphs’ largely ended with the rise of the ‘buyids’ and the ‘seljuq turks’)

(although ‘abbasid leadership’ over the ‘vast islamic empire’ was gradually reduced to a ‘ceremonial religious function’, the dynasty retained control over its ‘mesopotamian domain’)

(the capital city of ‘baghdad’ became a center of ‘science’, ‘culture’, ‘philosophy’, and ‘invention’ during the ‘golden age of islam’)

(this period of cultural fruition ended in ‘1258’ with the sack of ‘baghdad’ by the ‘mongols’ under ‘hulagu khan’)

(the abbasid line of rulers (and ‘muslim culture’ in general) recentered themselves in the ‘mamluk capital’ of ‘cairo’ in ‘1261’)


(though lacking in ‘political power’, the dynasty continued to claim authority in religious matters until after the ‘ottoman conquest’ of ‘egypt’ (‘1517’))











👈👈👈☜*“CALIPHATES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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