
A space-filling model of an unsaturated triglyceride.
Idealized representation of a molecule of a typical tri-glyceride, the main type of fat.

Note the 3 fatty acid chains attached to the central glycerol portion of the molecule.


*TYPES* —>

(‘fat’ that is ‘liquid’ at ‘room temperature’)


*aka ‘lipids’*

(‘soluble’ in ‘organic solvents’)

(‘insoluble’ in ‘water’)

(‘fat’ is one of the 3 main macronutrients: ‘fat’, ‘carbohydrate’, and ‘protein’)

(‘fats’, also known as ‘triglycerides’, are ‘esters’ of 3 ‘fatty acid chains’ and the alcohol ‘glycerol’)

(‘fats’ are also sources of ‘essential fatty acids’, an important dietary requirement)

(they provide ‘energy’ as noted above)

(vitamins A, DE, and K are ‘fat-soluble’, meaning they can only be ‘digested’, ‘absorbed’, and ‘transported’ in conjunction with ‘fats’)

(‘fats’ play a vital role in maintaining healthy ‘skin’ and ‘hair’, insulating ‘body organs’ against ‘shock’, maintaining ‘body temperature’, and promoting ‘healthy cell function’)

(‘fat’ also serves as a useful buffer towards a host of ‘diseases’)

(when a particular substance, whether ‘chemical’ or ‘biotic’, reaches unsafe levels in the ‘bloodstream’, the body can effectively ‘dilute’—or at least maintain ‘equilibrium’ of—the ‘offending substances’ by storing it in new ‘fat tissue’)


(this helps to protect ‘vital organs’, until such time as the ‘offending substances’ can be ‘metabolized’ and/or removed from the ‘body’ by such means as ‘excretion’, ‘urination’, ‘accidental or intentional bloodletting’, ‘sebum excretion’, and ‘hair growth’)


Saturated fatty acids[edit]

Butyric acid (C4)

Caproic acid (C6)

Caprylic acid (C8)

Capric acid (C10)

Lauric acid (C12)

Myristic acid (C14)

Pentadecanoic acid (C15)

Palmitic acid (C16)

Margaric acid (C17)

Stearic acid (C18)

Arachidic acid (C20)

Behenic acid (C22)

Lignoceric acid (C24)

Cerotic acid (C26)

Monounsaturated fatty acids[edit]

Myristoleic acid

Oleic acid

Eicosenoic acids

Erucic acid

Nervonic acid

Polyunsaturated fatty acids[edit]

Linoleic acid (LA) – an essential fatty acid

α-Linolenic acid (ALA) – an essential fatty acid

Stearidonic acid (SDA)

Arachidonic acid (ETA)

Timnodonic acid (EPA)

Clupanodonic acid (DPA)

Cervonic acid (DHA)

Essential fatty acids[edit]

These two essential fatty acids are the starting point for other important omega-acids (e.g. DHA, EPA)[citation needed]

α-Linolenic acid ALA (18:3) Omega-3 fatty acid

Linoleic acid LA (18:2) Omega-6 fatty acid











👈👈👈☜*“MACRO-NUTRIENTS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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